So I thought it'd be interesting to send the Arcenciels off to the Far East for vacation. Even though with all of the expenses, I had about 35 simoleans left in total, I had a lot of fun with this one, and I took way more pictures than i should have.
Just a little bit of bad language, maybe some grammatical errors. Other than that, enjoy!
So before sending them on their way, of course I needed another addition to the family.
Poor Maize. It really sucks taking care of pregnant sims. I always leave them unattended - unintentionally, of course - and they end up on the verge of dying. I'm a terrible care giver. And lol at Joseph's face.
Good Morning, Sunshine.
Maize: I fucking hate the world.
Unintentional lack of caring. Again.
Wtf, stupid. It was just a picture of Joseph talking to Maize's tummy.
Photobucket is dumb.
Pop number 2 :D
Damn, sims grow up fast. she was literally just a toddler like.. a few days ago. >.>
Hmm, I wonder why I didn't take any pictures inbetween the second pop and the birth. Weird.
Aaaand, it's a boy!
Meet Tiger Arcenciel :]
Joseph was so sick with the flu that his eyeballs starting sinking into his face.
Hope it isn't swine (yn)
So with the extra time on my hands with Maize on mat-leave, I made her boost up Clementine's aspiration bar.
I missed her blowing out the candles on the cake, but i caught her pelvic-thrusting :D
Success! Bonus money, wooo!
I made Maize stay up all night earning her required skill points.. should've never done that, lol.
Clementine Spam.
I'm asian. I couldn't help myself.
Surely, Clementine, you should have some undies there.
And I say that in the most non-pedophiliac way possible :D
wow, Maize is on a roll!
So Tiger's birthday came around the corner the next day.
lol, Clementine looks so creepy in the back corner.
Tiger Spam
Look at that handsome schmuck :]
And uh, then Clementine gained 5,000 aspiration points
I've finalized my decision to declare that this is probably Maize's favourite passtime.
Again, with the extra time and several day offs that Joseph had, I had him teach Tiger how to walk
And I found this drawing on the playing table, drawn by Clementine.
Typical. The woman cooks food for the man, and the man takes it with no feeling of gratitude.
Clementine's first day of school!
lol, she looks so happy about it. No one in reality would ever feel excited for school.
Well, at least I wouldn't..
Karen, stop! You're scaring the poor child!
You've got him biting his fingernails, you horrid bitch!
nts: Skill-building really does pay off.
Friend that Joseph brought home from work: What kind of mother doesn't feed her child?! Does she normally leave her child unattended until someone else acknkowledges the fact that the child is deprived of his needs? This family is a wreck!
So instead of caring for her baby, Maize likes to tan instead.
Maize - 0 Bad Parenting Skills - 1
Good thing he's growing up. Now he can feed himself!
Tiger: _Pelvic Thrust
Et voilà! :D
O noez. Clementine's leg is M.I.A.!
lol, that's the face of pure win.
if you think otherwise, I will run you down with my lawn mower, without hesitation.
Baby making number 3. Last one, I swear.
So Tiger brought a friend home from school.
She began to do the smustle, even when there wasn't any music playing..
By doing this, Clementine couldn't get off of the bus.
So the bus driver dumped her out of the emergency exit door located at the back of the bus
Clementine: Mother, I have succeeded in the educational center for learning.
'cept she's pretty.
So I made Tiger introduce himself.
Tiger: Hi, my name is Tiger. When I grow up and hopefully become heir to this family, I will summon you, and you will become my future wife and provide me with several offspring. That's an order.
Lol, well that's something nice to see.
not scary at allll.
Mmm, gotta love morning sickness.
Look at that toilet. She's definitely got something in that belly.
and FINALLY, they begin their vacation.
Well, not yet. but it'll be coming up soon. :]
Maize, are you serious?
Maize: I JUST SAW HIS - *whispers* his thingy!
Oh for crying out lout, Maize.
double-wammy roit ther.
Off we go! :]
I don't normally send my sims off to vacation.. so stupid me booked 3 rooms, instead of 2.
That better not be added to the bill. I've got a budget here, you fake-smiling front desk man.
lol, right in front of Maize, too.
It better be. This vacation was worth a fucking fortune.
So back at home, when Maize was digging for treasure, she found a secret map to Pagoda in the Shadows.
I've never been there before, so obvs i'm excited out of my wits.
Hello, Wise old man!
Humility? Serving tea is considered a form of humiliation? Huh.
But it got the old wise man to join him anyways :]
WOM: _Bow
Clementine: Wtf are you doing to me? Is this some kind of voodoo hex or something?!
My father will be hearing about this!
Joseph's too busy grooming the meditation area.
Clementine: Master, take me in as your prisoner. I will eternally serve you through my blood, sweat and tears.
_is hexed
lol, this made me giggle.
Tiger thought it would be an appropriate time to fish in Pagoda's sacred ponds.
Autonomously, I kid you not.
Clementine: Mmm, this tea is wonderful, master. What's in it?
WOM: Roofie.
Joseph looks so peaceful.
Wait, wtf do you think you're going?!
Clementine: This place could use a rave.
Tell me that isn't cute.
Penguins in the Far East?
Goodbye, Wise Old Man.
George McCarthy! You work in the Far East as a cash register too?
You must really get around!
Obviously, Tiger takes after his mother.
Clementine: Dad, stop! I don't feel so good!
Joseph: What! Don't be a fucking pussy! MAN IT UP!
Everytime I look at this, my heart falls out of my butt.
So it was their last full day here, and I figured I should split up the family to go on two different tours.
Clementine and Joseph went on a historical walk, while Maize and Tiger did something in the Bamboo Forest.
Maize, you can sit down now.
..Maize? Yeah, k she remained frozen like that even when the helicopter took off.
You'd think you'd have an advantage because you're tour was cheaper than the other one that the rest of your family went on.
Nope, what you pay for is what you get. Clementine was pushed into a shitload of poison ivy.
To make her feel better, she autonomously went up to this random teenager and asked to swing her around.
lol, gotta love soap suds in the running water.
And everyone cheered?
Joseph: So, uh wanna tell me how to teleport?
Ninja: Okay, okay. so the secret is to..
Ninja: Just do this. But don't tell anyone. If this secret is ever exposed, the world will collapse and.. everyone will die!
Joseph: Oh, wishing fountain, I wish that my children will love me and spend more time with me!
lol, poor Joseph.
Joseph: FINE. I shall teleport instead.
Joseph: My spidey-senses are tingling..
lol :[
I made them dig for treasure on their vacation in hopes of finding anything valuable.
LOL subtle look, Unsavory Charlatan.
So I was willing to give the Historical Walk tour another chance.
Nope, still the same outcome.
Economic-hungry bitches. You're sucking the money right out of me!
Time to check out.
Maize: Hmm.. I wonder what Joseph is doing.
Do hotel front-desk recipients normally shake clients' hands irl?
lol, Maize was digging for treasure and hit a water pipe.
Then this man proceeded to clean up her mess. Aw, how noble!
Time to get back homeee.
So when they got back home, Joseph's carpool (helicopter) was waiting for him
You'd think after being married to a General who has a helicopter as a carpool, you'd get used to the loud noise.
Oh, Maize.
Clementine was beggind for a kitty, and I love taking care of pets.. so I got her one :D
Meet Delilah :]
Finally, she pops. >:l
Joseph: That's nice.. Go away now.
Tiger: I said I got a fucking A+ on my report card.
_Rage, turns into hulk
Karen: Hey, Clementine.. would you like a drink? I didn't spike it or anything..
lol, notice how all of the juice/pop/whatever cans are all opened..
definitely no spiking involved.
Clementine: I wish that world hunger would end!
After a little makeup and some new maxis clothing, here is the new Clementine :D
Nice tan, ginger :]
And then this rock (?) showed up in the middle of my bathroom.
Maize: Argh, I hate when that happens!
Baby poppin' time!
It's a boy!
Meet Nemo Arcenciel
So this want came up quite often from Joseph.
Not going to happen, sweet heart. I've already gone through 8 children before.
Never doing that again.
Do I sense another vacation in the near future? :]
Excellent. I've got a future-aspiring pirate born into the family.
Ew, Maize.
I love Clementine :]
Tiger: Oh, hi there, little kitty-cat!
Mr. Stinky: I am no feline! Feel the wrath!
Tiger: Bad, BAD kitty-cat.