(no subject)

Dec 24, 2006 21:04

well its over and done with.
i did the dirty deed, though i hate how it had to be done, over the phone.
but the only reason i did it that way was so that i wasnt living a lie.
and well it was most def. a lie for him and me, cause he laughed when i told him it was over and done with, then he hung up on me.
boys are dicks.
its plain and simple.
but at least now i feel amazing, i feel like i have my life back. he was worthless, and if only i had stoped for 2 min when we first met and realized "he's not in it for a relationship, only for the pussy." because if i wasnt blind, and didnt fall for the first attractive guy that caught intrest in me, i would have seen that he never wanted me for me, he only wanted my body. because i look back on our "relationship" now and see that there never was one at all, only a guy that i hooked up with and occasionally went to the movies with. and that the word "love" was only used to get physically closer with me. it was a bullshit relationship and i guess i just never wanted to see it.

i love my friends for helping me get through my rough spot, and i love them for cheering me up. they are my everything and they are the ones that i will keep with me forever.
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