Title: Upon the Asp
Author: pearly_eyes
Fandom: Persuasion
Characters/Pairing: Frederick Wentworth / Anne Elliot
Table: Body
Prompt: Prompt #8 - Cheeks
Rating: G
Word Count: 143
Summary: Captain Wentworth's first command
The very first week upon the Asp, they were met with ferocious gales and turbulent seas. There was talk belowdeck that they may not even survive the fury of mother nature, much less the cannon fires of an enemy. Yet, as he stood upon the quarterdeck as Captain Wentworth, he radiated an aura of authority and assuredness in hopes to bolster the morale of the crew. It was no secret that he was young and untried at his first command, but he reined in his fears and uncertainties with tight control and great effort. Only in the solitude of the Captain’s quarters would he relinquish that tenuous hold and admit that the Asp was really quite worn out and broken up and hardly fit for service (1,2). 'Just like her captain,' he cried as he dampened his sea-worn cheeks with tears of frustration.
(1) The Asp was the first ship that Captain Wentworth commanded.
(2) These are the words that Captain Wenworth later used to describe the Asp.