Nostrum Monumentum - Thoughts of Children and Happiness

Jan 16, 2012 00:47

Title:  Thoughts of children and happiness
Rating: PG

Summary: Ziva's and Tony's thoughts on children and happiness respectively.

Character(s): Ziva David, Tony Dinozzo

Author's Note: My episode tag to 9x13 "A Desperate Man."  For Ziva's drabble, readers may want to read this drabble first as it serves as a companion of sorts Two Men, One Question

Prompts: Challenge #186, episode related, from

Words: 252

I do not think that children and marriage are part of the plan for me right now and I am fine with that ... perfectly content with my life.

A long time ago, a poorly conceived assignment which resulted a devastating bullet had slashed her chances of conceiving to miniscule.   She was a young Mossad officer then.  Her life consisted travelling across time zone, engaging from one mission to the next, she had accepted the outcome as a matter of fact.

But since that chapter, she had evolved.  Experiences had changed and shaped her in ways that were not possible had she stayed in Israel.  Talks of marriage and home were overarching themes of her American life.

Things that involved commitment and permanence were now at the forefront of her thoughts.  Selfishly and somewhat guiltily, she indulged in daydreams about significant others and 2.5 children.  During the time that she was with Ray, someone who understood the lifestyle that she was attached to, she allowed herself to think that there was perhaps a possibility of something else ....

But she should have known better.  A long time ago, she had been asked whether or not she wanted to have children, she made the excuse that there wasn't a simple answer.  Now, if someone else had repeated the question, she would reply that it wasn't a matter of want, but physically she couldn't, and most importantly, her heart wouldn't not after all the deception and the lies.  Ultimately, she was content with that.

Prompts: Challenge #241, happiness is..., from

Words: 161

Content but are you happy?

They were interrupted before she could answer but Tony was somewhat relieved by that.  This way, he could comfort himself with possibilities, the haves and the have nots. And somehow, he found it within himself to not discourage another man from binding himself to his partner in holy matrimony.  Marriage proposal is a sacred thing, he had said to Ziva but it is also a leap of faith and hopefully, you'll land with both feet onto the path of happily ever after

He had been close once but the job always topped his list of priorities.  And now with NCIS, it was still about law enforcement but there was all secondary.  It seemed another lifetime ago that Tony jeopardized his career, integrity and life for her.  For despite all obstacles both geographical and circumstantial, he was inescapably tied to Ziva.

For now like his partner, he was content.  Happiness is found when that 'someday' is reached.

ncis, fanfiction: nostrum monumentum, tony dinozzo, tiva, angst, ziva david

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