Title: Kiss
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: challenge #107, kiss, from
ncisdrabble100 Character(s): Tony DiNozzo, Ziva David
Summary: When Tony and Ziva kiss ...
Author's Note: I needed some serious TIVA love.
Words: 100
When she and Tony kissed, she would not immediately associate the experience with twilight illuminance or sunflower studded fields. Nor would she necessarily describe his kisses as explosive and dominating, though, he was without a doubt, a very good kisser. (Only very good, sweet cheeks?)
But in their line of work with its unpredictability and volatility and her past history plagued with secrecy and lies, all she desired from him was a single promise. So whenever his lips met hers, it was a pledge from him to her that he would always have her back. (Don’t ever doubt that, Ziva.)