Title: Basis of Any Relationship
Author: pearly_eyes
Rating: G
Word Count: 291
Prompt: challenge #144, base, from
ncisdrabble100 Character(s): Ziva David, Tony DiNozzo
Summary: Tony learns that the basis of any relationship is communication.
Base (definition): a fundamental principle or groundwork; foundation; basis
Their relationship had been always been tumultuous: violent beauty to passionate resolve, aggressive to endearing, crazy ninja chick and the self proclaimed movie buff.
Sex was great, there wasn't any need to garnish it with talk of prowess. But their fights, like their libidos were hot and fast ... leaving them both frustrated and unsatisfied. On one occasion, Gibbs ended up sending Ziva and McGee to LA to assist on an undercover op and he was left sulking with Abby.
Gibbs gave him a slap on the head and one look that said, "Fix it, Dinozzo."
Ducky was a bit more elaborative, "Ah Anthony, there comes a time in any relationship when the man should just simply apologize."
"This is Ziva we are talking about here. Have you forgotten one of the all important rules: Never apologize, it's a sign of weakness."
"Sometimes, it proves to be advantageous to show a bit of vulnerability, but perhaps, I can offer a simpler solution: talk to her. Communication forms the basis of any relationship and in your case, a partnership as well."
Tony and Gibbs drove separately to meet Tim and Ziva at the airport. "Just going to talk to her, Boss."
Gibbs' only comment was, "Find a neutral territory, Dinozzo."
That was how they ended up on a bench along one of her running routes. Tony suspected that Probie might have said something to her as she gave him no resistance when he offered to drive. Taking a page out of his conversation with Ducky, he simply said, "I'm sorry."
For a moment, there was only silence until she filled it with this, "I think apology can be a sign of courage."
Hearing the words that she wasn't saying, he smiled and replied, "I missed you too, Sweet Cheeks."