Title: Baby's First Christmas (Eve)
Author: Pearlsie
Rating: G (unless illness and suggested mild baby abuse bothers you)
Wordcount: 994
Disclaimer: Not mine. Disney's. Any unrecognized characters are mine, however, and I take full blame.
Series: Tales of Christmas Past - James Norrington
Baby's First Christmas )
Comments 14
So tragic but wonderful at the same time. The detail you went into for each of the characters was amazing.
Thanks for this lovely Christmas gem. Poor Norry- I wonder how many of his family survived. :(
I actually think I thieved that phrase from somewhere... some Tamora Pierce book... ah well, english is a language of stolen words as it is. ^^
You are very welcome for the "Christmas gem". But you'll have to stop by in a couple days to find out.
Thanks, Pearlsie
Ooo, there's going to be more? I missed that notice. He he. Yay! More is good. :D
Can't wait to continue reading.
Yep, in my previous post (in my journal), and I think I mentioned it in the disclaimer/author/whatever info. But no one reads further than author and rating anyway. xD
I'm actually getting started on the second one as we speak (or type, as it were). Bless GoogleDocs.
*glances back up* The first of a series? I can't wait for the rest!
In this four-year-olds case... no. *g* You're supposed to hate him. ^^ Which is kind of why I used Anne, since everyone else spoils him.
I can't either!! *laughs at self... lolas?* The next should be up.. sometime soon. I'm writing them on the home computer, over the period of two to three days.
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