we have all these ideas (some conflicting) of how to plant our yard and its really overwhelming which leads to being discouraged. I have to breathe and remember to take it one year at a time! One side of me says do it all NOW you have to work hard but then yuo'll be really tired and maybe not enjoy it. the other part says take it slow and have a few concrete goals each year and you'll gradually build it up. isiah came to me and sad he is willing to roto-till a lot of the ground to get us started instead of gradually doing the lasagana method for the whole thing but i have to help him design it with walk ways and stuff. we are kinda feeling bitter about the hilltop plot. my om says she isnt sure she wants us to use it this year since our yard is huge however it is the BEST place to grow root veggies cause the soil is sooooooooo loose and we've added lots and lots of goodies to it. boo. we're trying to talk to her into letting us have it for ONE MORE YEAR so we can have the time to make the space here more loose and decent.
we got some books form the library about chickens.
this one has use trying to pick out a coop style. we're definitely thinking of something semi-permanent like san miguel on pg 17 so in case these chickens dont work out for us for some unlikely reason :-) we figure we can collect supplies to build chickens a better home eventually!!
and this
seed starting calendar was shared with our moms group recently and kinda got us slacking on starting our seeds....oops! we got the station set up and we're ready to go, probably tomorrow!! we're not starting as many as last year and are gonna try to get more straight in the ground ASAP. also we're keeping our fingers crossed that our 181 garlic plants didnt die from their early sprouting in november from warm tempatures.
today we were able to notice our tulips starting to come up in the front yard!! yay for spring. and im seeing buds on trees too!! its almost here...but dont be fooled its snowed in april the last couple of years :-(