Recs: Rarepairs

May 12, 2010 22:23

For our rarepair post we've recced eight fics and I'm very happy to say that we've managed to cover almost all of the rarepairs Taekey ;___;.

Rarepairs// TaeKey, JongTae, HoNew, OnTae, JongHo and Gen
recced by klytos

Title: i don't think you're supposed to be eating that
Author: mujyakina
Pairing: Jonghyun/Taemin
Rating: PG
Word Count: N/A

Summary: Jonghyun is pretty cool. He’s not trying to be a jerk about it or anything, but it’s basically true and fairly well-accepted among his friends.

I loved the way Jonghyun and Taemin were written here. :)

Title: breathless
Author: salted_taiyaki
Pairing: Onew/Taemin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3660

Summary: a binding promise keeps jinki under the watch of a terribly sinister gawee who demands his heart for ever and eternity.

Gawee!Taemin? Hell yeah. :D I like this writer's style a lot too.


Title: the clock struck twelve and the sparkles expired
Author: pinkweather
Pairing: Gen with a bit of Onew/Taemin
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~6554 words

Summary: A Cinderella story (um, in a manner of speaking), SHINee style.

I thought this was a really adorable fic ♥! The story was nicely spun together and the idea, like I said, adorable :D

Title: anthology
Author: nautisch
Pairing: Jonghyun/Taemin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 760 words

Summary: basically, jonghyun sings a lot. taemin is embarrassed. there are a lot of references to beatles songs.

It's pretty short but it certainly gets through a ridiculously precious plot, I adored the writing style in here and the way the characters are portrayed :D

recced by jjangs

Title: And People Think Kibum is Annoying
Author: nudge
Pairing: Taemin/Jonghyun
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 200 words

Summary: He sings at interviews, in the van, at the dinner table - even in his sleep. Taemin's got to wonder. Who does that?

Short yet meaningful, this piece is able to portray the Taemin-Jonghyun dynamics very well. The writer's characterization of Jonghyun is spot-on. Definitely a read that will make you smile.

Title: Angels we have heard on high
Author: onew
Pairing: Onew/Taemin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200 words

Summary: Jinki just needs something to keep him believing.

Another cute piece that shows Onew and Taemin's meeting as a pure act of fate.

Title: ten seconds to fall in love
Author: intorolude
Pairing: Minho/Taemin, Onew/Taemin, Onew/Key, Jonghyun/Key, Jonghyun/Minho
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1001 words

Summary: An automatic chemical reaction.

A series of drabbles showing how easy it is to fall in love with the SHINee members. It takes root in your heart and grows and grows and grows until you find yourself pressing a hand against your heart and wondering Kim Jonghyun how did this happen why you why me. The author makes use of a very simple language that makes it easy for the reader to understand the scenario she has presented.

recced by hyol

Title: Collection 1
Author: little_bibelot
Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho
Warnings: Character death(s)
Word Count: N/A

Summary: A collection of flashfics that really have nothing in common besides featuring Jonghyun and Minho.

When I read these I was very taken with the way the author of these five fics manages to write such different moods so very succinctly and convincing. I like all of the fics but my favorite would have to be "Nuclear Holocaust", just because I'm terribly fond of that particular cliche.

author: intorolude, author: nautisch, sunday: rarepairs, pairing: minho/taemin, rating: pg, pairing: jonghyun/key, author: pinkweather, reccer: hyol, rating: pg-13, reccer: klytos, reccer: jjangs, author: salted_taiyaki, pairing: onew/key, pairing: onew/taemin, author: little_bibelot, pairing: jonghyun/minho, author: mujyakina, reccer: onewthepilot, author: nudge, pairing: jonghyun/taemin, pairing: gen

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