Sunny Side Up - hotarumyst

Apr 15, 2010 13:01

Title: Sunny Side Up
Author: hotarumyst
Pairing: Jonghyun/Taemin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3647 words

Summary: Jonghyun gets his summer break ripped out of his hands by a spontaneous trip to the beach, old jet-skis, and Lee Taemin.

A cute take on the Jonghyun-Taemin dynamics (where Jonghyun is a fan of air-conditioned rooms and Taemin is the keeper of the sun). My first thought upon seeing this fic: omg hotarumyst writes SHINee fic? But then I realized that oh, this is her first! I'm not normally the one who'd go for long fics (because I'm always busy and lazy) but this was really good. The pacing wasn't too slow and sustained my interest until the end of the story. Personal favorites from this fic were the part where they went skiing and the biking episode. And the sunglasses part, too! The dialogue is hilarious and, at the same time, really realistic. Looking forward to more SHINee fics from hotarumyst, definitely :)

rating: pg-13, reccer: jjangs, pairing: jonghyun/taemin, author: hotarumyst

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