Igloo of Love - Undamage

Mar 22, 2010 20:22

Title: Igloo of Love
Author: undamage @ chagrinning
Pairing: Onew/Key
Rating: PG
Word Count: 5900+

Summary: “I want to go Yeti hunting,” Kibum announces when he walks into the dining room.

Though borderline oldfic (for this place, anyway) I love this fic too much to not rec it. It doesn't take itself too seriously, I can't help but love the OnKey dynamics and it also succesfully manages to help keep my long(-ish) fic fetish in check. Tl; dr it is a breath of fresh air. /Gushing

reccer: hyol, rating: pg, author: undamage, pairing: onew/key

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