Title: Norrington's Excess, Estella's Distress, How Jack Learns Things
Person: Pearlseed
Disclaimer: None some of mine a’tall
Rating: Easy on the goods
100 words
Summary: Jack, impacted by Estella's confused interpretation of Norrington's currently inelegant wig appointment, or some such as that. Possibly, but with a happy ending one supposes.
Norrington, wig decidely askew and a peculiar shade of green, lay crumpled, Miss Elisabeth's pirate man near. Trembling, Estella decided to save her commodore!
Thumping Sparrow's toes her parasol, she yelled "Murderer!"
"Oi!! Not good!" Sparrow hopped and glared.
"You've killed my Commodore!"
Sparrow stilled. Laughing commenced.
"Scuttle his Royal Navy arse..." Sparrow's brow wrinkled, all thoughtful contemplation, melting into a bright smile. "Might complicate me rescue of your commodore, darlin'."
"Rescue...?" Estella sqeaked.
"Er, Captain, you won't be sharin' my 'my' with the Commodore... ?"
Sparrow's left eyebrow rose sharply, a silent, rhetorical question answered by Estella's lovely blush.