BPS Challenge~~ Holiday

May 07, 2011 14:25

Title: Here's to...
Person: Pearlseed
Disclaimer: None some of mine a’tall
Rating: Easy on the goods
100 words
Summary: Pirate holidays...who knew?

The Code didn't list what they might be, pirates' own celebratorious days or Honorous Memorial Days. Certainly any such were unfettered by traditional polite society's established holiday calendar.

Weren't much for birthdays. Babies were born, Keeper recorded such.
Was more to ensure half-siblings didn't find True Love too close by.

Heros in piratedom, few, Bartholomew and Morgan, though weren't known if the date were the conception of the Code
or a day what presented the propitious plunder of some extremely fine libations.

Jack's thinking leaned to the latter.

Still, he toasted freely.

"To the Code! What a man can do!"
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