BPS Prompt~~Black
Title: What's right
Person: Pearlseed
Disclaimer: None some of mine a’tall
Pairing: Jack and Fortune, Jack's most consistent adversary.
Some Pearl and The Code added to spice the tale.
Rating: Easy on the goods
Summary & Words: Jack's reaction to Elisabeth's news that the Black Pearl had left without him. Just one.
Jack believed Pearl was his again, so he allowed hope, his mistress and prisoner, held in the blackest pit in his soul for ten long years,
to shyly emerge. He had worked hard not to dream of this.
He'd square with the crew and sail his first love, holds soon filled with treasure.
Each bite of the oars gnawed his heart, carrying him to Norrington, not Pearl. Elisabeth and Will fell silent witness to his misery.
Jack considered Anamaria's only choice for safety and freedom, a right fair captain she'd prove.
T'was the code...
"They done what's right by them."