Sep 12, 2007 04:14
Bio 201b- Organismal Bio
Chem 201- General
Math 121- Calc for Life sciences
Span102- Intro to Spanish 2
16 units
I'm taking a full load of really demanding classes so the library NEEDS to be my best friend! We still need to get acquainted though. I still haven't figured out how people can be in the library for so long staring at the same book and not fall asleep??? I'll figure it out soon enough.
If this semester and next semester go according to my plan.. meaning i pass all my classes, I'll only need 2 more classes to get into major. I'm hoping for a Spring 09 entrance, so i can make it to GRADUATION (did you get kanYe's album??) by Fall '10, if not spring '11 will do.
enough about school..
I'm a loser, I embarrass myself. Iris, Steph and Regina know what I'm talking about. I need to work on keeping EYE contact! teehee.
I miss home, my family and my friends at home, but thats always a given. I've talked to my family a lot less than I usually do and that needs to change. This past week my mom took her citizenship test and I forgot to call! I felt horrible! But she passed, so I'm happy for her. After 25 years of living in America, my mom will finally be an American citizen. It took long enough.
Sometimes I think way too much. And thinking is NOT being EMOOO, _ _ _ _ _. Its just that sometimes I like it here, and sometimes I don't. I feel like people never got to meet ME! I feel like I have a guard up and I don't know why, but i can't really explain it. I just need to be myself and keep my guards, whatever they might be, down and just have fun!
..oh i lost my camera, but lets not talk about that. it makes me sad.
the future
winter break: Nigeria Dec. 17th- Jan. 9th? I'm excited. It'll be my first time really out of the country..Tijuana doesn't count. I'll be home in SJ from the 9th until about the 20th.
Spring break: My friends want to go to Miami! My friend Nicole has been asking me if I've been saving like every couple of days. BUT, i don't know if i want to go because I still want to try to do something with the Sj homegirls/boys, and I especially will not go if someone is leaving me!!!!!!!
Summer: I hope and pray that I won't have to go to sumer school! My plans are to apply to a program to do research and get research experience, or to study abroad. Or , ideally, combine the two and do research somewhere in South America. I've been looking into it and have found a couple that I will be applying to soon. wish me luck.
Theres my update, don't expect another anytime soon. :)