Lily & Dezzy in trouble and a set of SSHG holiday drabbles

Dec 16, 2011 17:58

Lily and Dezzy in Trouble:

You should have seen the floor, if you could have found it under all that mud! They're not sorry they're a mess, they're just sorry they have to get cleaned up. But I have to say, they really did have a good time ... lol


I wrote a set of SSHG drabbles for the Secret Santa Challenge at grangersnape100 (cross posted to Potter Place, Ashwinder, and the Petulant Poetess)

The Language of Gift Giving

Summary: Written for the grangersnape100 Secret Santa Challenge. Seven 100 word drabbles.


The Language of Gift Giving

Annoyed, Severus threw the slip of parchment on his desk and sat down with a sigh. How could Minerva do this to him? It was bad enough that he had to buy Hermione a Christmas gift, something that said ‘I-care-about-you-and-truly-believe-we-have-a-future-together-but-I-have-no-idea-how-to-proceed-with-this-relationship-without-royally-cocking-it-up.’

Now he was her Secret Santa, too. Not only did he have to buy her something personal, but now he had to buy her a second gift that she was going to open in front of the entire staff.

The first wedding-anniversary was paper, what do you give someone you’ve been seeing for six months?

A book?

An engagement ring?


He slid his center drawer open and eyed the ring box nestled there. One thing he was sure of, it was too early to propose. Probably.

Would she even say yes? It really was too soon, wasn’t it?

Was she his Secret Santa, too? Was this fate just having another laugh at him? Things had been going along so well between the two of them, and now this. Maybe he was over reacting.

The door opening interrupted his thoughts. Hastily he grabbed the slip of parchment before Hermione saw it and abruptly closed his desk drawer as she walked in.


“From the looks of that scowl, I’d say you’ve had a bad day.” Hermione rounded the desk to hug and greet Severus properly, his moods no longer keeping her at bay now that they were seeing one another.

“Did you know Minerva was planning to do a Secret Santa this year? Was this your idea?”

Hermione’s gentle laugh warmed the dour man. “No, not mine, but it’s a fun tradition. And besides, the limit is only three galleons. Who do you have? I’ll help you shop for them.”

One brow rose questioningly. “Do you not understand the concept of secret?”


“Oh, give me a break. It’s not as if anyone would know if you told me.” Hermione resisted the impulse to roll her eyes. “I’ll tell you what, you tell me who you have, and I’ll tell you who I have.”

If she was willing to tell him whom she picked, than it couldn’t be him, Severus reasoned. “Would you like me to explain how a Secret Santa is conducted?”

“Fine, fine, have it your way. Anyway, it’s just a small gift.” Though, after she thought about it, she didn’t think Severus was too used to giving gifts to anyone.


Severus pulled the witch into his lap and thoroughly kissed her; something he still marveled at every time he’d had the opportunity to do so. The fact that Hermione wanted him to kiss her, or that she kissed him back each time, or the times she initiated a kiss, was beyond the norm for him and had taken him almost the whole last six months to accept as real.

Pulling back, he eyed the witch appraisingly. “I will, however, allow you to give me suggestions for gifts for both a man and a woman. Are you up to the task?”


Hermione laughed. “A man and a woman? Right, so I won’t be able to eliminate anyone. Well, there are several gifts you can give a man or a woman, a box of Honeyduke chocolates, a nice quill and inkwell, a Pocket Sneakoscope, or a box of personalized parchment to name a few.”

Actually, the list was quite helpful. If it were him, he wouldn’t mind receiving any of the items she mentioned. “Did you buy something you mentioned for your recipient?”

“No, I found a lovely matching tartan scarf and gloves set, spelled to warm the wearer in inclement weather.”


“Matching tartan scarf and gloves?”

“Matching tartan scarf and gloves.”

“So, Minerva it is.”

“Oh, I gave it away. Alright,” With a quick kiss to his lips, Hermione shimmied off Severus’ lap. “Let’s go. You promised to take me to that new restaurant in Hogsmeade.”

“Bewitched, who came up with that name?”

Hermione shrugged. “I’ve heard the food is great.”

Severus took a last longing look at his center drawer. Definitely too soon to propose, but he was sure the right time would present itself to him.

Maybe sometime soon.

He held the door open for his witch. “After you.”


Author Note: The conversion rate of galleons to dollars is 1 galleons to $10.07 dollar. Therefore, 3 galleons converts to $30.27 American or 15 pounds English, which has a ratio of 5 galleons to 1 pound.

A bit of fluff for the coming season.

Giving Gifts That Keep On Giving

Summary: Severus has decided what to give Hermione for their first Christmas together and also as her Secret Santa. Sequel to “The Language of Gift Giving.” Three 100 word drabbles answering the Secret Santa Challenge on grangersnape100.


Giving Gifts That Keep On Giving

Severus stared into the crackling fire. Dinner had gone well; very well. They’d ended up back at his rooms, the dungeons affording them more privacy. She’d spent the night, as she was wont to do for the last few weeks when neither had night patrol. It had taken time, but they were comfortable with one another, or truthfully, he’d finally let his guard down.

An idea had come to him as he lay in bed watching Hermione sleep. He was a Potions Master; it would be a simple matter to create a personal scent, something that would be uniquely Hermione.


And while he was at it, perhaps a special massage oil, too; something they could both enjoy. He could imagine them having a very happy Christmas, indeed. He supposed for the staff Secret Santa he would follow her suggestion and buy her chocolate. She could smile indulgently at him while passing the chocolates around the staff room. He’d most likely be forced to endure teasing by the female staff members, but it’d be worth it if it made Hermione happy. It was a little known fact, but he’d always had a weakness for Honeydukes chocolates, especially their dark chocolate truffles.


And the ring? Well, there was always next Christmas, or maybe her birthday, or during the summer break (they had plans to travel), or maybe at term end. Or wasn’t Valentines Day coming up sometime soon? There was no reason to rush their relationship; it had taken almost two years for him to ask her out. He was happy just being with her, but he had an unreasonable fear of losing her. Of her coming to her senses and leaving, even though she assured him she wasn’t going anywhere.

He decided to stop stressing. For now he would just be...happy.


A/N: Written for those who wanted to know what Severus was gifting Hermione for both Christmas and as her Secret Santa.

My best wishes for a happy holiday to all!

pets, my writing, family, hp related, snape

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