So you all know that Fall Out Boy was totally a question on Jeopardy tonight, right? Right? They even played a little snippet of "Dance, Dance." They were worth $1200!
Tonight's Grey's Anatomy made me really really happy in three ways, and really annoyed in one way (which is a character being assholey, but in a way that makes sense for his character, so I am annoyed at him and not the show). But right now I want to just say that
Grace Polk from Joan of Arcadia just gave Nina from Everwood her baby! And Spes didn't believe me, but I am 95% sure one of the baby-daddies there was Sark from Alias, because when I just went to look up the name of the actor who played Sark, it was one of the few names I remember flashing on screen at the very beginning. THUS I WIN.
(Baby-daddy with the creepy eyes -- the huge ones with no pupils -- looked familiar, too. Damn imdb for not having the cast list up.)