--More pointless playing around with image programs, I'm afraid. I'm pretty sure this time I succeeded in not making anyone look like they have angsty dead souls!
Those squiggle taught me a valuable lesson, which is: there is a limit to how many times Photoshop will let you use the "step backward" tool, and you should always remember to add a new transparent layer before you play with brushes.
...I just like staring at this one. Jen Garner I <3 YOU FOREVER.
pearl_o: I like how much fun this is despite it having no point or purpose whatsoever.
ficbyzee: oh man, I know.
ficbyzee: it's like playing silly internet games.
ficbyzee: so pointless! yet so fun!
pearl_o: right!
pearl_o: and you can make your friends look and admire you!
Seriously, it's like sticking crayon drawings up on the fridge.
In other news, you know what's really annoying? Is clicking on an archived story that is marked 35k or so, and having the page only give you the first thousand words. Especially when the story only seems to exist in one place on the web. And it's been recced a lot. BOO.
--Also, I am looking at HCL screencaps again, because once in a while I like to kill off some more brain cells just by reminding myself just how INCREDIBLY FREAKING HOT OMG Callum Keith Rennie was in that movie. Like, nothing else even comes close. It's practically inhuuman.