a. People who say the reason they do not like a specific slash pairing is because Character A reads to them as straight, when they read *other* slash pairings with Character A. (I can get that you might not think a certain pairing has subtext to support it or whatever, but I don't get how you can go from "OMG RAY VECCHIO IS THE STRAIGHTEST GUY EVER" as the *specific* reason you don't like F/V and still love Ray/Ray. I mean, I know RayK is a superstud, but still.)
b. People who say RPS is gross and/or wrong, but who are perfectly willing to rec stuff and make exceptions for a story that involves the characters are cult leaders or murderers. (If kissing and being bouncy and joyous with their bandmates is, you know, disrespectful or stalkerly or blah blah rps is wrong ... then, uh, how exactly does your worldview make Flesh Mechanic okay? I mean, I think it's a great story, but I'm not going around declaiming the end of the world, so whatever.)
c. Why do I keep signing up for classes that take place during dinner time? ARGH. (I actually know the answer to this one. It's because I'm stupid and don't learn from my mistakes.)
d. Why do I find the combination of first and second person so engaging and charming? First person stories, I mean, that are directed to a specific person. Obviously all epistolary fic fits into this category, and dude, do I love the genre; and there's also
I love you without knowing how, and my own favorite of my due South stories. Hmmm. (I have nothing to add in parentheses for his part.)