that first line meme

Apr 11, 2013 22:03

Stealing a meme from my dear

The last twenty-one first lines I wrote in fanfic (note: I'm doing the last twenty-one full works I have posted on AO3. It doesn't include ficlet collections or "first line fics" where someone else wrote the first line for me.) (Also, I ordered mine from oldest to newest to see ~*development*~ or whatever.)

First lines behind the cut!

1. Erik. Wake up.

2. It's Henry who comes to the cottage to fetch him, awkward and stammering.

3. Erik holds himself perfectly still.

4. This is what it is: a handful of moments, stolen over the years; a weekend here or there, a few days outside the world.

5. There's an old shack, even deeper out in the woods than Derek's house, where they meet a couple times a week after school lets out.

6. "Why don't you ever invite me to brunch?" Charles says

7. They're in Paris for Charlotte's twentieth birthday.

8. It's the morning sunlight through Erik's blinds that wakes Charles up, obnoxious and aggressive, unavoidable even when he steals one of Erik's pillows to try and block it out.

9. Most days, Charles still carries a cigarette case on him.

10. It's clear to Charles as soon as he steps back into the motel that Erik's emotions have calmed, at least somewhat.

11. Erik waited to speak until they were alone again, in the privacy of the hotel room once more

12. When Charles got home from his bioethics seminar, Erik was nowhere to be found in their apartment.

13. It was a cold night, and a stormy one.

14. It was obvious to Charles from almost the start that it wasn't going to be any use, but he kept going for a little longer, anyway, in case he might be mistaken.

15. That first night, outside the CIA compound, Charles had told Erik that he knew everything about him.

16. It was a dream; that was obvious to Erik right away, in the easy and unquestioning way such revelations always occurred

17. Moira is used to being underestimated.

18. They had been too much alone, the two of them, Charles realizes, too used to having only each other for company.

19. It's an odd feeling, but not an unpleasant one, this compulsion like an itch in the back of Erik's mind

20. "I have a proposal for you, Watson," Sherlock said.

21. It's already mid-morning when Charlotte wakes up.

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writing, meme

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