Well, it's been awhile since I made a base post! And sadly all the ones that I've used aren't here. I accidentally deleted some of them. *cries*
Sorry for the shoddy quality on some of them. I only recently switched programs that I use to make my bases.
Burst Angel~ 20
NANA/ParaKiss~ 7
Magna Carta~ 6
(CCS, Magic Knight Rayearth, Chobits, X/1999)
Nao Tukiji~ 2
Yukiya Kohshi~ 2
Loveless~ 11
Aoi Nanase~ 4
Yutaka Kagaya~ 8
Naruto~ 14
&No Hotlinking
&Credit if you wanna (you don't have to with these but it would really make my day if you showed me your work with them!)
Start Something