Jan 20, 2005 23:14
Today was okay. I got my transcripts from the college.. I'm mailing the one from UVA and my HS and my appliation in tomorrow.
Everyone saya prayer for that!
Saturday me and mak are gettin gtogether and practicing for my Audition piece in February. It's in another language and she knows how to pronounce it.. thanks for your help! I was supposed to sing at an FCA rally but i dont have alot of time to learn it and I need to work on it hard so I wont be terribly in debt.. lol
Im really exhausted this first week. But i think i'll make it.. wiht God's help!
I got my belated Christmas present tonight. A new DVD player just for me! It'll be goin with me in the fall. yay!
After I hooked it up i cleaned my room up some. It's playing a movie right now I'm listening to it from the office. I'll be joining it when i get in the bed soon
Well that's all for today kittens. Have a wonderful weekend.