Sep 18, 2003 20:54
Well, I have been missing in action for a bit. My daughter phls mentioned that I needed to update my journal, and by golly, she was right!
But then, she had not updated hers for over 1 year, for me it was just 2 months.
I am getting ready to go to Germany, leave Saturday for a 10 day business trip with a new boss. Should be interesting....
PHLS is due to have a baby girl 4 Oct, so I am hoping I make it back. My big bro is still really sick, and wanted me to go to the dr with him Monday. I will be in Heidelberg, so he is still going to go to the dr for one last chemo, then will wait for me to be there before we ask more questions, such as, palletive care, alternative treatments, pain medications, do we need to contact hospice? I was up there this eve, and he is a shadow of a man. Down to a size 30 waist, and just does not make any sense. I think the oxycotin and liquid pot they are giving him has him befuddled. Plus, the brain radiation didn't help, but at least that is gone.
Susan, or choochootwo, is dilegently looking for a house in the same state, instead of a southern state. And still crazy in luv with her new hubby
Amber, our 24 year old with the kidney disease, has fell head over heals in love with a really nice guy, who treats her like the princess she is!
Me? Oh, I am doing fine, busy at work. I have my moments when I wonder how long I will be able to continue to work, and walk, etc, but so far so good. My legs get really weak sometimes, and my congnitive skills are not so good. That bothers me. In sales I have to communicate effectively, and if I forget what I am saying in the middle of a sentence, that is a problem. It is not such a problem writing, as I can take my time, and reason. In conversation, the darndest things come out. Wrong words. Hubby cut the grass, I thanked him for vaccuuming the lawn. I was talking about a friends dog who had pups, but I said kittens. And other things. From what I can figure out, the words I use in place of the correct words are similar, ie, lawn mower and vacuum, puppies and kittens. Similar but not the same. Right now we laugh about it, but it does worry me a bit. However, I am still in the saddle, still glad to be here, still crazy about my hubby, and love all my kids to distraction! And, of course, the little rat terriers that I am crazy about, Bill and Lois. I have Bill in my lap right now, and he is a sweetie!
We are re-organizing at work, so I have no clue what I am going to be doing in the next month. I think I will find out from my boss on the way to Germany, and that is ok. Whatever it is, I am ok with it. No sense in getting twisted out of shape over something that I can't change.