Jun 11, 2002 17:50
I have been back to work full time for almost 3 weeks. It is satisying to me to be able to be in my little cube space, and interact with my co-workers.
Is is also tiring, but in a good way. Training a new person was just the medicine I needed to keep me involved, and feel a part of my little group. My group is wonderful, and I don't think there are better people with whom I could work in the entire company.
My meds were changed, so the night sweats have lessened, and for that, I am grateful.
The sun is shining, and my flowers are almost all planted.
In July I am going to Indy to meet with some internet breast cancer friends, stay for two days, and that is exciting!
I will actually be traveling again in August, hitting the road to Atlanta for a show and conference. I feel like singing with Old Willie, "On the road again"
Possibly Europe in October. I do not want to let this cancer stuff slow me down more than it has. It is done. All I have left to do is a diagnostic mammogram in August, after the show, and meet with the docs. I expect everything to be ok.
Funny thing, in Jan, I was wishing I could slow down, have some time. Even thought it would be nice to be on disability for a while, to "relax".
Ha, be careful what we ask for.....
God does have a sense of humor.. I don't think I will request more time off.
I have learned so much about myself, my pride, how hard it was for me to acknowledge that I needed help. I suppose that is one of the gifts I found along my cancer journey.
I have learned that people love me, and care, no matter what. I have learned, in a deeper sense, that all I really have is this day, this moment. I have learned to enjoy the moments.
Roses have thorns, but that doesn't keep me from enjoying the roses. Life has challanges, but that doesn't mean I will not meet those challanges, and enjoy life.