Mar 23, 2006 15:50
Okay the conflict of the day. This summer I'm going to my dads the plane ticket is going to cost me a total of $600 around if thats the right ariport I'm flying too. Now with the school choir I have a chance to go to Ottawa this end of June beginning of July becuase there are a couple of spaces left. Now if I were to say yes I would like to go to Ottawa, this would mean 1 more money another $600, and 2 I would have to leave for my dads later than at the end of June. Now for paying for Ottawa the price can come down more because of the fundraising I did for Disneyland, and since I'm not going to Disneyland I can use it on another school trip. Plus with Ottawa Mrs. Cameron said she would like it if I would be able to come. So in the end I don't know what to do.... So please help me decide, 'cause its not goin to well.
Now onto a lighter side of life, I am back out of the black hole of doom. I am no longer sick! Well... not completely sick anyways, enough that I can get up and go aout and do stuff. . . .Got pictures in the mail today of my Grandma Hossler, my Auntie Leah and Uncle John, and what I'm guessing are cousins Marlen (yes that is a girls name aparently) and of David, pictures taken February 1st. So that was cool. I now sometime soon write a letter back to my dad, and now one to my grandparents. Well thats life up to date.
Later. . .
Oh yes and I win.