
Aug 09, 2007 13:14

Okay, so these are these are the questions jen1703 asked me.

1. What's the significance of your LJ user name?

the significance of my LJ username is that it's the nickname that my best friends gave me during an incident involving peanuts when we were at the beach. actually, peanuttles is juz one of the many nicknames they have given me. and 24 is the jersey (lacross) # of Zach, my boyfriend and bestfriend.

2. Why are you such a die-hard Scott/Jean fan?

because i've been a fan of them since i was about 4 years old that was when i first watched X-Men. Scott has always been my fave character and he was also my first crush even tho he was a cartoon. and when i saw Jean for the first time, i was jealous that she was with scott. but seeing them together juz works. and not to mention, they've got cool powers.

3. If you were going to associate yourself with a colour, what would it be and why?

i would say yellow. coz i need something bright to brighten up my sometimes kinda dark personality. and because it's my fave color. and it goes well with red and blue ;)

4. Tell me about one of your favorite memories.

it would be the times spent with my late grandfather. and second to that are the times spent with my love.

5. If you could do absolutely anything with your life, what would it be and why?

i would wanna become an aeronautical engineer (my major's computer engineering) because i've always been fascinated by planes and i want to someday be able to design and build them.

engineering, jean, scott, x-men, planes, zach

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