All Right Now

Oct 28, 2004 23:22

OK I'm better now. I've come to terms with the fact that the Red Sox have won the World Series. But this is An AL victory in the World Series has statistically been proven with few exceptions over the past 50? years to lead to a Democratic victory (or something along that line, nonetheless it means a Kerry win). Now the only other game to watch is the Washington Redskins game Sunday. Now that one has also been proven to predict the election winner since the team was started with no exceptions. If the Redskins win their last home game before the election, the incumbent wins. If they lose the game, then the challenger wins. Can't wait for that game.

School is still pretty bad. We saw a bad movie called School Ties that presumably had something to do with the honor code. It did but only about 10 minutes total of the 1 hour 50 min movie were about it. The school headmaster welcomes the students and then proceeds to sell the honor code. "Welcome to Anti-Semite Academy. We'll have a fine school year. But first remember we have our fabulous honor code which can be yours for the low price of 4 payments of $29.95. And if you order now we'll throw in a free swastika to hang on the wall of a student of your choice. Sign up a friend to get a free commit some major vandalism get out of any punishment whatsoever card." The guy basically sold it for a minute. Then it wasn't mentioned again till the end of the movie when a kid cheated on his test. So the kids in the class did the right thing. They grouped together and voted on the issue. And in the end the group's consensus was that the Jewish kid cheated (which he didn't). So this goes to show the greatness of the honor code system. So long as the group agrees that someone did something, it doesn't matter if they did it or not so long as there's a consensus.
And on a related vein, with our fucked up honor code (as with most), it includes a rat clause that would require you to rat on your friends when you see them commiting a violation of a school rule. Not doing so would put you in violation of the honor code and call you in for discipline too. But how complicated would this be if you saw someone cheat and you didn't rat on them and someone knew that you didn't. But they didn't rat on you but someone else knows that they know. And on and on and on until you get to the sick fucker who decides to turn the entire school in. So let's say that someone who shant be named Mr. Jeff McHugh** decides to take a biscuit from the lunch room to use as a prop in the play. Because you can't take food from the lunch room because the entire cast knows would we have to turn him in? And if we don't is that a violation of the honor code? But what if Mr. C** said that he could take the biscuit? Then would Mr. C be in violation there? Or would Jeff still be in trouble even though he was just following orders. And another example.....say some other anonymous person Kate Garner** goes into Jenna's** locker to get her Dante book that she loaned to Jenna, would she be inn trouble for going into someone else's locker and taking stuff from them? And if I saw it and didn't report her would I be in violation? After all it was her book. But say Jenna didn't want her to have it back or wasn't done with it. Then could Kate be in violation? This is why they give us so much homework. So we don't have time to actually think about how messed up this document is. I know this is just a nonsenseical rant here for most of it but there are many other examples of how bad it is that I could pull out of the Honor Code itself. But then one of the student's drafting it will say "Well why don't you join the committee if you don't like it and try and change it?". And my response is that "I would if I was permitted to. But unfortunately the Honor Code makes that pretty much impossible. Seeing as the students that want to be on the council are picked by the teachers and not their fellow peers and McKee does get a ruling vote, it's highly doubtful that I'd ever make it onto the Council given our attitudes toward each other." That is often followed by an awkward silence and they walk away before debating this further. Wow I'm glad to get a bit of that out. I didn't realize how good a rant felt. lol It's even better cause no one reads this. I think I lost all hearing in my right ear this afternoon. Gotta hope that it's better for tomorrow, or maybe not.....I'd rather not go to school tomorrow.

**Names have been changed to protect the innocent
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