SHINee SG Concert

Aug 15, 2011 15:13

 My impulses does take me by suprise.

In a month...I quit/lost my job, bought a ticket to singapore and another ticket to the SHINee concert.

I am hell excited, believe me...but ARGH...I haven't told my mom yet...that I did all that...that I just spent ALL my money on it... If it was just me, it is no big is crazy and exciting and an adventure...
but I could already imagine my mom freaking out and making such a HUGE FUSS on my rash purposeless decisions and my lack of responsibility. Being my mom, she has this infinite and inevitable effect on me so when she gets mad and disappointed at matter how irrational her reasons gets me shoves me to the bottom. 
With that said, the butterflies on my stomach are currently at war dodging the boulders. and somehow...seeing SHINee now makes me nervous...basically since something is gnawing at my insides.


I'm walking on ice in the next few days, though hopefully, not until THE BIG DAY.
Oh I am really crossing my fingers on this >.< there anyone going to the concert too???? :DDD~~please please please???

The sweetest unnie  dejavu_love is going too and I am looking forward to meeting her...though we won't be on the same area T_T

shinee, personal
