Smells like Summer

Jul 12, 2009 20:10

I'm really enjoying my summer now because I've finally learned to relax, meaning I've been going out despite deadlines and presentations. I think I've always had a pretty one-track mind, in that I'm either in full-on work/school mode and then I crash into lazy weekend mode. It's nice to have a hybrid life. It feels more realistic. I went out Thursday, went shopping on Friday, went out Saturday, and still managed to get everything done. Who knew?

Last week and into the weekend, I hung out with my friend/roommate Samantha a few times, and it was really nice. We saw Matt & Kim Thursday night, then got pizza. On Saturday, we laid out in Central Park and got Jamba Juice. Later that night, we met downtown near Pace to get drinks and then headed into Brooklyn for Ian and Julian's show. There weren't too many people there when they played, but they sounded good, despite the ass sound-guy who didn't let them play for long. The party picked up and we ended up having a good time. I wanted to stay and hang longer, but Sam was the voice of reason and we went back to our apartment in Astoria for the night. I crashed in Nips's bed because she was at Vishal's for the night. It was so nice to be home and to see my bike, eventhough my subletter was in my bed and my room is full of her boxes. I can't wait to get back to our apartment.

It finally feels like the summer in the city that everyone always told me about. I've been going to a lot of shows lately, mostly free ones, and the weather is nice enough to hang outside. There are so many free events I want to go to and I can't wait for August. I don't think I'm going to spend as much time in MA as I had originally planned, but it still depends on my legal internship.

I have loads of work to do, but I got positive feedback from my mentor, who has stressed and terrified me all summer. He gave me surprising compliments and said he was shocked at how he's interested in naming practices now, and has been talking to his Indian friends about how they received their names. We spoke on the phone for two hours tonight, during which I took a ridiculous amount of notes. I don't know where to begin...Thus instead I'm writing here.

My fellowship is almost over. Tuesday we have a practice presentation of 5 minutes, and Wednesday we have mock-presentations with the Science Cohort (10min). Then next Wednesday is the Columbia Symposium, followed by a weekend in Virginia for the Leadership Alliance National Symposium. It's all coming to an end so rapidly, and it's strange.

My current book list keeps growing and I really want to finish them. The only book I can really focus on right now, however, is The Namesake, because it's the subject of my research project. I'm going to finish Orlando then read the others in the order below. I'm putting Naked Lunch off yet again, but only because I'm taking Post-Modern Lit in the fall, and that could possibly be on the syllabus. I don't know if I'll actually finish listening to David Copperfield, nor if I'll pick up a hardcopy.

Orlando (borrowed from Rainna, my last Pace roommate's friend.)
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies (bought my first week at Columbia) 
Naked Lunch (began junior year of HS and recently refound, with my Warhol newspaper-clipping/bookmark from Ms. Tyler)
David Copperfield (started listening in Ireland via Libravox Recordings podcast on iTunes)
In other good news, Maggie and Lucy, with whom I worked last summer at CTY Bethlehem, are coming to visit me this weekend!! I can't wait to see them. The three of us click so well and I can't wait to hear about their lives. Maggie is the only one of us working at CTY again this summer, and that'll be interesting to hear about as well.

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