Mar 09, 2008 17:24
For some odd reason this weekend became the mother of all cleanings weekend. Normally when I find myself with a free weekend when I dont feel sick (which is shaping up to be once a month) I'll pick up a bit, here and there, run a clorox wipe over the bathroom, nothing fancy. This weekend however turned into a weekend of purging this aparment clean. I have gone through all my drawers, my closet, and the hidden drawers in the closet and thrown out all the clothes that I havent worn in a year or that don't fit. I have two trashbags of stuff to donate. That took a good amount of time yesterday. Today was srubbing everything in the bathroom and kitchen, cleaning out the fridge, freezer, picking up all those piles of clutter I let build up in the time that I have been living here, and I am about to vaccum. To the untrained eye, my apartments would still look like clutter, but I am a bit of a pack rat. To me and anyone that knows my messy ways it's a whol lot cleaner. I am proud of myself. I am infact so pleased that I am even going to make dinner. Look at me being all domestic.