A simple life

Oct 14, 2007 14:13

Kuwait was decent. It made the last 5 weeks fly by, as opposed to the days dribbling by on ship. A few things happened that I wouldn't expect to happen almost anywhere or anytime else. One of the best was when a herd of camels walked onto one of our ranges. Obviously this stopped us from firing. Even though they were nowhere close to our impacts, they were still in the range fan (the limits set for the range) and they had to be moved. This left me, my company 1st sergeant, my platoon commander and a corpsman driving out to the herd to move them off. I saw one that looked old and weak. So I hopped out of the humvee and chased it waving my arms and making noise (to appear bigger than I was). Running in flak jackets is never fun, but I couldn't look weak in front of the guys I was with. Happily they quit running before I had to. I was able to herd this lone camel back to its group, and that set them all off running. I noticed that they had ropes tied around their front legs to hobble them. If not for that I doubt I would have been able to keep up with them for any length or time.

Of course running in sand and in flaks is tiring, so the rest of the herding experience involved driving, pushing the herd slowly away. Where else could you run into this type of thing? It almost made this entire trip worthwhile.

I've always had things to distract me from singlemindedly pursuing a future. I made a rather bad mistake a few years ago because of a girl and this set me back some. After school there were some family concerns that I had to take care of (made sense at the time). Between this and other things I've always been somewhat occupied, never really focused on anything. Maybe its time for a change. I have the option of making my current life a career. I can study for and take the bar, then proceed on to a JAG office rather easily. The Corp, apparantly, is hurting for lawyers. The money is more than I'd need, my debts should soon be at zero and a sweet chunk of change should be coming my way to boot. Its a way to set myself up so that in 10 years or so money will be one less thing I'd have to worry about. Maybe I'll travel? Or go back to school for medicine? Either way it'd make a simpler life, free from much confusion and worry.
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