(no subject)

Jun 02, 2005 12:29

I really really hate Cape Cod. It's a fucking wasteland.

And, my only two ways of communicating with the outside world have both become unreliable and shitty as well. My cell phone, which has just been upgraded and switched to verizon worked FINE in savannah. But no, not on Cape Cod. Here, my charger seems to tell me, "unable to charge" like every other time I plug it in. And this new phone has about 1 1/2 talk time before the battery is dead. Also if I decide to unplug my phone while charging and talking, it immediately hangs up my call. My screen freezes, and about 75% of the time calling people the phone rings and rings but on their end they hear no call. Basically my calls don't go through. And my text messages dont seem to be going through either. Unlimited text messages IN plan. What the fuck is that. I hope none of my friends use shitty Verizon to be in that fucking plan to begin with.

My cable modem, which I've had for about 4 years in my room now also doesn't work. Today was the second trip from Comcast to my house. My modem will randomly just shut off, and I will have to reboot my computer and unplug the modem for about 30 seconds. This may not sound annoying at first, but it happens all the time. Cable is supposed to be constantly connected. If i wanted to deal with that I'd get a dial up. So now the guy tells me I can't have my cable tv plugged in at the same time as my computer. What the fuck. 4 years it was never like that.

My mom on the other hand, she's never around. Doesn't seem to care about anything that isnt her boyfriends, tanning, or going to the gym. I can't believe what or who my mom has turned into, but its disgusting.

Cape Cod is a piece of shit. I should have stayed in Savannah. I'd rather starve myself to death and drop down below 100 pounds than deal with my phone not working, no friends, no cell phone, no internet, and no parent to even come home to visit for.

P.S. i turned off comments because i know one of you fuckers would respond to this post with, "oh cape cod is nice blah blah beaches" or some lame shit. Then i'd have to kill you.
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