(no subject)

Apr 09, 2012 21:00

Because one person requesting to see baby pictures means you ALL get to see baby pictures!

And, so this post isn't totally unfandomy -

This week in teevee:

Fringe = sobbing forever and ever and ever. I will continue to sob until they S5 Alias this thing.

Avatar: The Legend of Korra is BADASS and I am shipping like burning.

Scandal is fabulous (if a little irritatingly edited, but I assume that'll calm down once they realize it's not as cool as they think it is) but likely to be cancelled because the TV gods are cruel. I'm trying not to get attached and failing.

Fairly Legal continues to be adorable, but this Ben guy better not be a love interest because I already have a "Kate + Justin" tattoo and laser removal is a bitch.

I am possibly the ONLY In Plain Sight fan who was not bothered by the end of the last episode and actually thought it was adorable, but whatevs. Canon is in my corner for once and I LIKE IT. I still miss Bobby D though.

Despite my initial distaste for New Girl, I have now watched the most recent eps and am really enjoying it. She's less annoying and forced quirky now - or maybe I'm just growing an immunity. (Winston! *hearts*)

That show and Happy Endings are responsible for 90% of the time I spend on Tumblr watching the gifs go by. One liners and dorky faces forever.

The Mentalist was adorable and I'm going to go ahead and say SHIPPY. Deny it if you like, but my glasses are firmly in place. SECRETLY MARRIED.

I am watching and enjoying Breaking In, not in small part due to all the nerd/geek references that I TOTALLY GET. It's unhealthy how excited I am to catch a funny that is meant for people like me. It's like when Jon Stewart did Leeeeeeroy Jenkins. My heart swelled a little.

Justified continues to be damn fine television. If you haven't given it a shot, you should. I am going to be SO SAD tomorrow when the season is over.

tv: the mentalist, tv: random fandom, tv: fringe, tv: justified

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