
May 22, 2006 15:27

Well, I had a pretty good day up until Alegbra.

Lifeskills was really easy, we barely did any work. But in Study Hall, Macie was battling Sam Felch with a hair straightener. It was quite amusing to watch, because he was such a wimp about it. He would cover his face, just in case he got burnt, even though there was 0% chance of that happening and we told him that. And I jammed my finger into Fletcher's pinky during a game of Egyptian Ratscrew. It's a little swollen and it hurts to bend it really fast.

But, oh my god. I was about ready to punch Ms.Cushing in the face. She gave me a freakin' 50 on my notebook check (which brought my grade back down to a freakin' 77) because, apparantly, I didn't have all my notes, even though I have a notebook in the back where the supposedly missing notes are. And I also had to have "more depth to my notes". Bullshit! Just because I didn't write the freakin' book in my notebook and just did the examples (which perfectly explain what to do), apparantly my notes are crap. GAH! She could've at least given me a 60! I'm not asking for a fucking A+! Just a friggin passing grade! I hate her. I hate math. I hate my life.

Luckily, Dan and Andy cheered me up in Science. I was tracing along the veins in my wrist with a pen because I was depressed and bored and Dan's like, "No cutting, Emily! Cutting is for poopers. Don't be a pooper." So he took away my pen and then started going on a whole thing about what I can't because I could possibly cut myself with objects. If I did art, all I could do were finger paints and crayons. And I could only write essays in crayon. And I couldn't do music because I might slit my wrists with the baton thing. It was really funny.

So, in sum. Math sucks!
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