(no subject)

Nov 21, 2006 03:19

Well im sitting in the lounge, and im doing absolutely nothing. It's 2 AM. and Me Shane Sho Khoa And Ash are just sitting here.. doing nothing. and more nothing. im listening to music and they're all watching weird funny  things that Sho is showing them, that im in the least bit interested in. 
So we're all just kinda sitting here hanging out at 2 AM doing nothing. and since i have noting to do im updating about nothingness.
But since im here, lets talk about my birthday.

Sunday was my birthday, And i turned 19.
it was pretty sweet. Nothing with special, but me ang tim adam joshie jaim ash and mommie went to fudruckers for lunch/dinner and i got cake and presents and stuff. it wasnt much but it was fun. my mom also bought me a birthday tiara and necklace. I got flowers from Ang and Ash. A cool fishie tank thing from Ang Tim. A teddy bear, a best buy gift card, and smiles from Jaim. And Yeah it was pretty sweeet. I had a good time.  and i tookd pictutres. well some. theyre on facebook.

Also, if you didnt realize it, joshies home!!  He came home saturday at like midnight... which is like Sunday, which was my brithday! pretty sweet brithday present huh? having your brother home form the marines for 2 weeks... i thought so...

Lets see, what else can i blab about...

umm... my Gramma's in the hospital... she cant breathe right and they dont know whats wrong with her, and shes not getting better.... which isnt very good. and my mommies really worried.

And speaking of my mommie, she has diabetes.... she was diagnosed like the other day. all i know is i better not get it.... i dont need that shit along with everything else that is wrong with me..

And my daddies coming down soon. hes coming the weekend of joshies birthday, which is this weekend.. so i get to see my daddie after not seeing him forever... im kinda excited!

I hate stupid people that live on my floor. especially girls. Especially girls who have boyfriends and hit on boys and check everyone out who walks by... and says all this shit about them and what they wanna do and how they dont want to be with their boyfriend anymore... and GAHH!!! I cant friggen stand some of these people sometimes... and some stupid bitches called the cops on our floor tonight. this chick who i want to punch in the face was being a doucshe as usual, and she doesnt evn live on our floor. and she asked us if we would move tables so we wouldnt distract her from her homework... mean while this chick is IMing people, on like myspace and facebook, and blareing her music, but us being the nice P2 girls that we are, moved... but, me being the bitch that i am, was like you cant be that distracted with all the other shit youre doing. and i walked away... it was pretty sweet. i want to kill this bitch. and, this chick and her friend called the cops on all of us too, we were drinking and what not, and "were being too loud" so they called the cops, thakfully none of us were anywhere to be found. me and ash went to P4, and everyone else disappeared. so we didnt get in trouble :D  but i cant wait to go home for thanksgiving and get a break from some of these people for a week. ... Some i will miss, unfortunately though, there are more i wont miss than i will...

well i think im going to go hit the hay because im extreamly tired now because i did absoutely nothing all night, besides almost getting caught drinking by the cops... hahaha... good night.

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