Oct 14, 2005 17:02
Its weird all of a sudden I had this sense of throwing everything away. I looked at my closet and I saw all the junk I kept for so long and I just feel like dumping it in that big gray trash can outside. I kept so many things because I thought it be interesting to look back at them someday. 50 years from now to just look back and see what a dork I was...But right now I feel like forgetting it all forgetting whatever I did and just make memories now. Ill probably end up throwing away my 6th grade stuff.. (nooooooooo!! I cant) man I am such a pack rat. It reminds me of an article I read about how Socrates thought it wasnt a good idea to take notes and assign kids books to take home. He thought they will become dependent on the information written down and never take the time to really memorized what was said. I feel that if I through away all my crap ...i will forget it allllllllllllllllllllllll... i dont know thats the way I am sue me!! I want to do something today!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know what but just something. AWWW I shall eat ice cream.. food always there for me. lol do you guys know why pepsi was named the way it is? supposebly there was made to help deal with stomach problems. Get it pep-si..pep-for stomach..like peptobismol... ohhhhhhhhhh i know !! I was always wonderding where the heck they got the idea for pepsi. I just love silly things like that. Like words!!... okay nevermind...wait why does everybody always stop when they think the have written to much. i shall write untili cant not write anymore muahah! make you read every single bit!! nah i got to go lol cya!!