Friday I arrived in Timisoara with my wife and two kids. Haven't been in my hometown for 8 years and my, how it's changed.
Funny thing happenned on the way. In the Vienna airport stopover, we met some Romanian friends who live in Amsterdam also and were also going to Timisoara (the only Romanians I know in Amsterdam :)
After arriving in Timisoara within the first hour in the crowded center we coincidentally met a friend of hours who is a sculptor and who last saw us the year we got hitched. Of course everything is like it hapenned yesterday! A week later I saw his ex and their daughter and some of his older works.
Now the city itself has gone through major upheavals since 1989, now just from an expat perspective living in Netherlands I am barraged here with familiar references. ABN Amro, ING Baring and one of the main squares in the city is sponsored by... UPC. LOL
I can't wait to re-visit all the places I used to wander as a kid and as a teen, before moving to the US in 1982... enough said for now, followups and pictures will come later too. Here's a shot of my old school.