Over the last few days I've set up
SpamAssassin on my hosting servers and so far I am thrilled with the results. Not only can I delete spam automatically, reject and block spam senders, but I can also report spammers to central servers that keep track of spammer activities.
Additionally, and this is much more satisfying than just sending spam to a separate folder for deletion, spam gets tagged and quarantined on the server. There is the pleasure of revenge, seeing each piece of spam carefully rated using hundreds of different algorithms of spam-detection, new headers get injected with the summary information, and I also have the option of auto-replying the spammer (and possibly the ISP) with a snide: "Your spam has been intercepted, quarantined and your email address blacklisted. The following content rules showed evidence of spam, etc." Definitely more satisfying than just clicking delete through dozens of messages daily.
In the first 24 hours, I've quarantined over 100 messages server-wide and blocked or auto-deleted many more (according to their spam rating). Scanning over the Subject headers in the quarantined messages, not one of them is a false positive. They are all low-grade, despicable spam content which has been efficiently processed!