Caning, nights in the cage, strapon action, flogging, paddling & pumpkin carving :-)

Nov 07, 2007 12:51

Here's a round-up of various activities from the last month or so, starting with the most recent and working backwards.

On Sunday, Arecee gave me a 2 hour caning. Oh what fun! Only once before have we gone for 2 hours, and that was at a party where the theme was 2 hours of caning, everybody there doing 2 hours, no socializing or others not playing like you'd find at a normal party. That event was mostly male tops caning their female subs. I'd talked about how much fun it was a few time recently. She said "there was no way I was going to let any of the men outlast me!"

Unlike then, this time I had no idea she was going to be striking my ass and thighs for 2 hours. In fact, the first part, maybe half an hour, maybe more was very sensual, light tapping, perfectly rhythmic (a super long techno mix disc was playing, many hours of mp3). I get this amazingly light dreamy feeling, kind of floaty. No pain at all, and I suddenly realize I've completely lost track of time and memory of what's happened recently. It really a curiously bizarre but ever so pleasant feeling.

Eventually, she interested intensity, turning the theme to pain for the rest. I certainly like that too. Well, that's an understatement! But it's so very different. I'm so present, right there, not all dreamy and floaty off who knows where? I feel the bondage gear pinning my arms tightly behind my back, the cuffs on my ankles, the pain from each strike, over and over. It's a day and night difference.

Two hours is a long time. Many times she would increase to just about what I could take without panic starting to set in. Some tops cane hard but allow lots of time between to process the pain. Not Arecee. She always hits rapidly, pretty much never stopping... and I really love that. But it is quite difficult when it's harder. I saw she'd brought a little clock and set it on an end table nearby, and she was looking over at it every now and then. Then I knew she was going for a certain time, probably the 2 hours we'd recently talked about. When she pushes me with harder strokes, as I start to struggle, I have this awareness that this isn't likely to be the end, but that she's going to just keep going regardless I like it, and that touch of helplessness is pretty hot.

My shoulders started getting sore. My arms had been in the shoulder/wrist harness and the bicep binder was holding my crossed arms together tighter than they'd naturally lay. At first I didn't say anything. When I thought I might, she ramped up the intensity and she'd been striking pretty hard in roughly the same place my thighs for at least an hour. The pain on my legs became intense and for quite some time my shoulders weren't a concern at all. I actually felt very relieved and thankful for that, as I struggled and tried to take in the pain and breath steadily. Eventually I did end up saying something, even though I really didn't want to. She undid the buckles with one hand, amazingly while still striking to the beat (though lightly) most of the time with the other.

At first I worried I might not manage to stay down and hold still without the bondage. But by this time I was really pretty deeply in sub-space, really welcoming the sensation, letting the pain in and allowing it to flow through me. After I while, I was even asking for harder and harder still. What a shameless slut I can be?! She was quite happy to give it to me. It wasn't long until she announced it'd been 2 hours and stopped. I asked for just a tiny bit more, and hard. My thighs were so sore as she touched, then picked up the cane and rapidly struck many times much harder. I was instantly amazed how much it hurt, but still tried to take it in... but in just a minute or so, maybe only a couple dozen strokes, I was starting to panic from the pain. She knows my panic reaction well and pushed only a tiny bit, then stopped.

After a little together time, she took me to the bedroom. Her plan, which I'd known about but didn't realize would be right after caning, was to fuck me with the big strapon. Normally I've pretty excited about being fucked, but at the moment my reaction was "oh yay, my thighs are so sore it'll hurt as you press against them!" So wanton am I...

Sadly, everything went rather awkwardly and after a second try really wasn't working, she decided to can the idea. At least for the time being. She told me I'd get it Monday. I mentioned we'd planned to go to the munch in Salem and with travel time we wouldn't be able to fit it in (to the schedule, that is). She said she'd do me in the morning. We talked a bit more, and then she got up and told me to crawl into the cage. (it was still set up in the bedroom... more on that later)

Of course, I complied and got in. The plastic liner on the floor is always so cold at first, and we'd been on the bed under the covers, so warm skin on cold hard but oh-so-smooth plastic, leaning up against rough not-at-all smooth little metal bars on all sides. She locked the door, using 2 padlocks. Two is always a sign she's in a serious mood.

We'd spent the day together Sunday. She went on an errand in the morning, but otherwise we'd been together all day. I have no idea of the exact time, but when she started caning me it was still afternoon and bright sun was coming in through the blinds on the windows. The sun was just starting to go down around the time she was working the dildo into me, and though dim sunlight was still lighting the room enough that the lights weren't on. Cage locked securely, she took a bath, then returned and said she might let me out later before closing the bedroom door and leaving me in there.

Might is the word. She didn't let me out. I heard her moving around the house a few times. It got darker, slowly. I heard her in the kitchen, preparing something. The kitchen timer went off several times. Each time, I though "maybe she's done making whatever it is and she'll come get me". She didn't. After quite a while, and the room getting fully dark, the reality set in. She wasn't going to let me out. Well, she does like having me next to her in bed, cuddling as she fall asleep. So maybe she'd let me out then? Nope. She came in, got into bed and wished me good night. That was it.

I actually slept relatively well in there this time. Being the larger cage helps. Still, it's always little shots of sleep punctuated with waking up, usually cramped a bit or rubbing a bit too much on the metal in one spot. Many times I feel back asleep, which is the only "escape" from the cage, from those dreadful nights of laying there wide awake, tired, cramped up tight (sometimes from additional bondage), unable to drift off as the time drags on and on so very slowly. A bit of that in the last couple hours, but not too bad. Also, the extra hour of sleep we all get from leaving daylight savings time... for me, spent in the cage this year.

She woke up, went to get some towels, and let me out. She immediately instructed me to "get into position" on the bed, as she shoved the large dildo though the hole it barely fits through in her harness. This time things went much more smoothly. The big head lined up perfectly with my hole this time, and she pushed straight in, slowly and gently.

This was probably one of the nicest, gentlest anal fuckings she's given me in quite a long time. Nice long, smooth, slow strokes in and out. It feels large, always so large with that one, but not so overwhelming as usual. Such a nice feeling, so smooth and slow. I kept waiting for her usual frantic rapid pounding action, which makes me scream pretty much continuously. But this was a much nicer, gentler time, and being a bit weary from a much longer than usual stay in the cage I was quite grateful for her gentle handling. She stayed with me a little while, even put an extra towel under me before helping me up further onto the bed. Then she was off, to the shower and getting ready for work while I fell fast asleep for an hour or so.

I was going to do this all in reverse order, but quickly I should mention the Salem munch, which we went to Monday night. This was Ar's first time going to that one. Usually she is quite busy at work around the beginning of the month, but this month Monday fell a little later and she'd met a big deadline on Friday. Still, it was a battle for her to get out of work... having to insist people wanting to ask her for stuff Monday as she was leaving would just have to wait until the morning. It's a bit of a drive to Salem from Portland, I met up with her at an exit along the way so she could pick me up quickly. She drives a lot faster than I do, so even with a slow start we made excellent time and got there not long after it'd started.

So what was the point of all this... oh yes, I remember... what a big flirt I am! Hair pulling in particular is the topic here. The munch is hosted by Lady Balara, and we've been friends for some time from the local scene and we played at Kinkfest (and we've meant to play many other times, but timing usually hasn't worked out). She always greets me by grabbing my hair and pulling me downward, sometimes all the way to my knees but usually only a foot or so. It's a fun, playful gesture. There's also a triad, some really nice, really great people I've spent some time talking & flirting with there... and one of them really love play with my hair, pulling hard and also doing silly playful things. I'm not sure if they have scene names and we haven't talked about my journal much, so this is about as much as I should mention. Ar knows I'm a big flirt, and we've talked about this group, but still she was a little surprised, calling me a slut.

But the big moment was a couple compliments... someone said "well you must be very special, because he's something special" and in the context of a couple looking for a male sub, asking if they could find one from the same litter as me. :-) Later she said "well, you've sure got them all fooled!"

It's a bit far to drive, but since Lady B got the munch going again in Salem, the local scene seems to be developing nicely and there really are some wonderfully nice people there.

Arecee had intended to lock me in the cage again Monday night after that munch, but after the drive back she was pretty tired. She changed her mind and asked me to join her in bed. I'd been sort of dreading, but fully accepting that I'd be in the cage again, so the large, soft bed and sleeping next to each other was most welcome.

Now, actually moving back in time, the Saturday before caning and being locked in the cage way early on Sunday, we went to a kinky birthday party. The lucky birthday boy was of course spanked by many people. Ar made his birthday cake, which turned out very nicely. Blowing out candles, spankings... all pretty customary birthday traditions. Later, which did turn out to be pretty late, he also took fisting and strapon fuckings! Ar went third. She almost didn't, but I talked her into doing him! We had intended to play there, but it was so late by that point the we headed home.

There was actually a small munch that Saturday afternoon too, which I went to. More flirty hair pulling....

Going back several days, to Monday and Tuesday (Oct 29th & 30th), she locked me in the cage those two nights. I had caught a cold the week before, so we hadn't played in a while. For some time, actually a couple months... ever since Burning Man, Ar's been talking about getting into doing very rigorous D/s which is to include locking me up every night, or almost every night. Monday was to be the start of that.

She actually surprised me, getting the large cage out from under the bed while I was in the bathroom. I returned to the bedroom, expecting to get into bed with her. She still requires me to stand at the side of the bed and ask for permission to join her on the bed. That is a 100% solidly established ritual, even during the relatively vanilla times when we're working a lot and not playing much. Usually she says yes, often right away, but sometimes making me stand there for a minute or two of awkward silence.

But on Monday (Oct 29), she had taken the cage out and found the bag of zip ties. She instructed me to set up the cage (it's one of those metal dog crates that folds up flat), and use the zip ties to secure it. I had gotten over a cold only the week before, and normally she waits a long time after any sickness before doing any sort of play, erring on the side of caution... a lot of caution. But not that night.

I'd mentioned in a conversation recently that it'd been 2 months since Burning Man and even though we hadn't gotten super busy with work and stuff like we sometimes do, one thing after another (my cold, she had a different cold weeks before, a business trip, etc) had put things off again and again. Well, not completely. We have been playing quite regularly... spanking, strapon fucking, bondage, a couple nights in bondage or the cage here and there, going to play parties, etc. Sorry, I just haven't written about it all.

So I was locked in the cage those 2 nights. I must say, the bigger cage is a lot easier. It's been YEARS since I've been in that larger one. It's only 6 inches longer in each direction, so it's 3.5 by 2.5 by 2.5 feet, whereas the little one is 3 by 2 by 2 feet. Half a foot doesn't seem like much, but it makes a huge difference. I still can't fully sit up, still can't fit my legs out straight without bending my knees, but it is a lot less cramped.

She wanted to start out easier on me (even though she'd put me in the little one all night a few times over the last month or so). Partly because I'd recently gotten over a cold. She also remarked how it was nice to have me close by, having the cage set up right next to the bed. She does like having me next to her in bed, touching, cuddling, and she said having the cage so close helps lessen the sleeping alone feeling. The little cage is set up in the closet, which is all the way through the bathroom, not even joining to the bedroom, and she always closes the closet door after locking me inside the cage in the corner of the closet.

Wednesday was the munch. It was also Halloween, and we went over to a friend's place after the munch. Kids, candy, socializing... and their neighbors doing things to frighten the trick-or-treaters. *grin* We got home, not too late, but she was tired and decided to have me in the bed rather than the cage again.

The same thing this week, a night in the cage, intending to make it the first of many. But so far she's decided she'd rather have me in bed.

I have mixed feelings about all this. While in the long-term, I'd really like to get back to doing these strong D/s things more regularly... not 24/7, but much closer to that than we do now, in the short term, it is really damn nice not to have to spend every night locked in a little cage! Especially after a night or two, I'm a little weary of it, and every happy and appreciative of getting to join her in the large, soft bed, which also I might add has a nice large blanket and big soft pillows rather than a cold, hard plastic floor.

Then again, while it really, truly is unpleasant spending all night in there, it does have quite an effect on me. Arecee too. Not the first nice, so much. Its takes time, keeping up the intensity and making it hard for me, but in a while it really puts me into a much deeper, with-me-all-day frame of mind. Ar too gets more intensely dominant feelings. It really does build upon and enhance our passion.

But it's not easy to do. In theory, it would seem as simple as just commanding me to get in and then snapping the padlock on the door. But there's more to it. It takes emotional energy. Especially after a long day, or after spending the evening out (as we often do), it's just not so easy to keep up the momentum. It's very easy to just get into bed. We really do love each other very deeply, and Arecee often really wants to just relax with me cuddling next to her as she drifts off to sleep, rather than worrying about locking me away for the night.

I write "get back to", and we both talk about it that way, because there have been a few times when we were going all-night cage or other restrictive bondage every night or almost ever night for a few weeks. The honest truth is, over the eight years we've lived together, we've only manged to get there a few times, for a less than a month each. But something about those times was really so very intensely wonderful. Not the endless time suffering in the cage (and indeed, many times were exactly that, sometimes with my wrists cuffed to my neck, sometimes no blanket, etc)... but the profound effect it had on both of us. Something was really amazing meaningful about those times, short as they were. I'm not sure it's really practical to get there again, or if we can, or how long it can ever really last?

Anyway, enough rambling on about all that. I'm sure if we manage it, I'll be writing endlessly about it. If.

Just before those 2 nights in the cage, we had our annual pumpkin carving night. Kinky friends, though just pumpkin carving, not play. Here are the pumpkins. (mine is the one of Sally)

So, now to the bitter sweat story of DeaconX Fetish Night last month. Ar let me go. In September, it fell on one of the nights she locked me up (the pattern of 1-2 nights in bondage at the beginning of the week seems to be pretty regularly reoccurring). She actually said days in advance she'd let me go, giving me one night off (from all night bondage, though like other weeks, plans to keep it going only went 2 nights). I'd made plans for three scenes that night.

Rachel flogged me. What fun! It'd been months since I'd had a flogging. I'm a little out of practice, not able to take as much as I used to. On the other hand, that really nice floaty sub-space happened for me near the end. Seems like it's been a long time, maybe I'd build up a tolerance?

That was the fun part. The bad part was the smoke. It's very smoky at Berbati's Pan. There seemed to be even more people than usual gathered watching the dungeon. That's what the fetish night is... a freak show for goths, who seems overly fascinated watch us pervs play. Some of them do too, but at least that night, everyone in the dungeon was kink scene people I know. I don't know what it about goths, but they all seem to smoke (or most anyway), and smoke a LOT.

By the time Rachel was done with me, I'd breathed in a lot of smoke. Breathed in heavily, while doing a little bit of screaming, perhaps more little yelps, as she struck my back over and over with her heavy flogger. My throat had gotten very dry and sore. I had a few glasses of water, but it wasn't helping much.

I was so sad to leave early. Plans had been made for 2 more scenes, with Sioux-Z and Julie Spanks... both of whom I really, really wanted to play with. I apologized to both of them and left early. Over the next couple days, my throat only got worse and I caught a cold. Not a really severe one, but still no fun. I'm not 100% sure if it was all the smoke's fault. I'd been around lots of people the day before at Diversion (a Burning Man decompression party)... but I was feeling 100% fine until going to Berbati's, where I left about a hour and a half later with a pretty sore throat.

Already multiple people have asked if I'm going to Fetish Night again this month. Much as I'd love to go, and of course play as much as I can take and then some, the smoke is really turning me off to it. I'm just not as impervious to second hand smoke as I once was, and getting sick from it a couple weeks ago may be my final straw for going to events with smoking. Then again, maybe I'll be feeling super slutty and go anyway. Or maybe, especially after reading those paragraphs above, Arecee will end up locking in the cage so much none of you will see much of me again for a long time? Who knows?

Whew, this is getting long, as always... and there's still so much more to write about, but not enough time. I do have a couple things that should get done today before going to the Wednesday munch tonight... so here's just a few more random, not necessarily in (reverse) chronological order.

Since returning from Burning Man, we have indeed gotten back into playing. Not the highly intense, almost 24/7 D/s and all-night, every night captivity, but certainly regular play. One of the very notable events was the first time Arecee fucked me again with her big strapon. She did NOT use any of the smaller ones on me first. But she did give me several plug wearing assignments in the weeks leading up. The first couple times putting the plug in again... difficult and tight. That first time she fucked me again, tight and so very, very intense. I'd forgotten how incredibly strong it feels! I really should have written of it at the time. Oh well, just a quick mention now.

Also worth mentioning was one night, pretty early after we got back, where she punished me. That pretty much never happens. Not because I'm a perfect saint, completely obedient sub, but because she just really isn't into punishments. Her style is more a long bitter memory for misdeeds, where she won't trust you to obey and won't be so willing to do fun things like play.

This was only days after we've been back from Nevada, and luckily for me she was in a punish and put it behind us mood. One of my misdeeds was getting into bed with her without asking for permission first. I don't recall now what the other was (hey, it was 2 months back). But I do recall very vividly she confronted me very directly, talked with me about it, then she gave me 2 extremely hard swats with the wood paddle, the one with the holes in it. I was so glad she was direct and quick, and that really helped me quickly get back into the mindset of doing those little tiny things she expects.

The one other thing I want to mention is a scene with Sioux-Z, I believe about a month ago at a play party. To make a long story short, she paddled me very hard for quite a long time. Normally I don't bruse or mark much, and marks fade quickly, but this left very substantial bruising for a week. Maybe that was from spending a few months not playing so much. I just recall being tied down pretty well to a bench and she was really letting me have it. Very hard, and I was screaming and struggling so much.

We talked at that munch last Saturday... and she pulled my hair a bit *grin*... about playing again. She offered to not play so far. But I want it, and she said "good, that's what I like best". Truth is, I'm a little bit fearful... and that touch of being a bit afraid of what she'll do to me next time is very hot & exciting!

Ok, that's definitely enough. Everything else will have to go unwritten.

rachel, sioux-z

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