Nov 05, 2008 20:24
The first black president was just elected in the United States of America. Barack Obama has just made history, and I've never been moved by such an event. I'm sitting here alone on my couch in my apartment and all I want to do is yell "finally!" at the top of my lungs. When ABC proclaimed Obama the 44th President, goosebumps rose all over my body and tears came to my eyes. I've never felt such a feeling of hope in my life, but it is the only feeling that I can accurately name now.
It's time for a change, America. I know you Mccain supporters are disappointed, but we gave Bush a try, so I think it's time that we let someone else take us in a new direction. This has been one of the longest campaigns and I truly do not think I'll ever see the country become so intense about the prospect of its future. Political talk pervaded almost every part of my day for the past 6 months, and it's hard to believe that it's finally come to a happy ending. Watching people with tears streaming down their faces, it's the first time in almost a decade that I've seen people so moved by a figure of hope, a beacon of light at the end of this long, dark tunnel.
We still have a very long way to go, and it's going to take the entire country to move us from this deep recession to a place of economic rebound and global respect. I can only hope that the country will not remain divided for long, and will come together to lead us to a profoundly better future than the one this road is heading towards.
ahhh I don't know what else there is to say...there's just an astounding electricity in the air that cannot be ignored. This is history, and for the first time in 8 years, I'm so proud to be an American.
We are moments away from hearing Barack's victory speech, and I'd just like to say: Congratulations, President Obama. We are ready for you.
Myspace comments:
Aly: Go Obama!