Dec 30, 2003 10:48
yeah i know that this one has been a long time in coming but life has just been a little hectic recently what with the crhistmass. i was traveling for a bit got to see prauge dresden and berlin. managed to even update my journal in dresden to only find that evil computer pixies had eaten the rather poetic and wonderful entry.
what can i say about prauge it is beautiful charles bridge streching out over the river the building resting on the river itself, the jewish quarter that survived the holocost the thousands of puppets and the intense pride in the age of the city. i got to fire a crossbow in the archery range of the castle. wander through and look at the exhibits i saw the beautiful cathedrals and even shock horror drunk some chec beer.
as you wander the medieval streets of prauge you senses are accosted on all sides by the beauty and majesty of what has survived i was told that hitler wanted prauge maintained as an example of how cities were before his reign. the maddening winding streets and passages lead yoy down to the town square the astronomical clock annd the christmass market with blacksmiths forging bells right in front of you and hot sweet breads being rolled and baked. seeing the statue of king wensles who last looked out on the feast of steven and the golem statue your left with the impresion of how much this city has left to the modern european imagination.
how different is dresden and yet in many ways the same mostly modern architecture but the few survivors of that terrible night inflicted by th raf stand proud and are slowly being restored. there is a sense in this town that history is incredibly important everywhere were posters advertising an exhibit of dresden as it once was.
there was a medieval market for christmass complete with strong man competition (i was terrible at it ) and archery (i kicked) big fire pit a ferris whell that was cranked by hand. the muesems in dresden were amazing such pride in the collections and attention to detail. still the chills at seeing the repaired statues and the guted buildings set in amongst the modern styles. spooky
i will continue this one latter