Doctors, Doctors, and more Doctors

Dec 04, 2007 22:14

I get to see yet another doctor tomorrow. This will be the Ear/Nose/Throat specialist. I am not looking forward to it because he might dig in my nose.

Let me backtrack:

I went in early september to be seen for a miserable head cold that would not go away. It turned out to be a sinus infection. AND I had a nasal polyp. So I got antibiotics for the infection and a steroid spray for the polyp.

A month later I went back for a followup, and the infection was gone but the polyp was only mostly gone, and the spray was so strong it had singed the skin in my left nasal passage. So I was given a mildly weaker steroid spray, and told to start taking an antihistamine daily.

A month after that, I went back for another followup, and the polyp was gone but the ridges in my sinuses were still swollen, which they shouldn't have been because I did not have a cold anymore. So the doc told me that something is causing the swollen sinuses, and the swollen sinuses are probably causing my chronic sinus and ear infections (I have had them all my life). So he made a list of all these other doctors I needed to see.

I needed to get a sinus CT scan, which I did. No big deal.

I needed to see an allergist, which I did. What a PAIN! I didn't know they were going to give me SHOTS! argh. 7, all at once, all next to each other, plus 32 non-skin-breaking pokes on the other arm. And not only did I get all those pokes, but I had to sit there for 15 minutes, for each arm, while certain of the pokes began to itch and swell and burn, and i was NOT ALLOWED to scratch them! Arghh! Oh, there was one poke that itched so badly it brought me to tears. Grass. I am highly allergic to grass. And trees. And wheat. Who knew? I am also moderately allergic to dog dander. Bummer. I guess maybe we will not get a dog? Or we will get one and have a trial period. Or we will get one that lives outside a lot. I don't know. But then today, one of the other shots has been itching  - one that I did not react to yesterday. I think I will call the allergist tomorrow and make sure that doesn't mean I am also allergic to whatever it was...Extract of Cat, or Eau de Dust, or something.

But, those allergies do not explain my sinus problems, as I do not have a dog, and the others are seasonal wheras my sinus problems are year-round.

So tomorrow I see the Ear/Nose/Throat guy. I am not excited to see this guy, because of the results of my CT scan. I have not seen them, but the doctor called because they are very "interesting". Apparently, I have a "foreign body" in my nose. It's not a bone spur. It's not a tumor. He said it looks like a piece of metal. And it's not very "far up there" so it must have entered through my nostril.

WHAT THE?!!?!?!? How on earth did I get a foreign body in my nose? I have a foreign body in my nose! Ack! I have no clue. My mom has no clue. And I am nervous. He thinks this must be the source of my problems, and they will most likely try to extract it.

Oh Lord. That does not sound fun for me. Because I know they won't put me out for something like that...just a local...I'd have to be awake, knowing that someone was digging and/or cutting into my nose to pull something out! All I can think of is that scene from Total Recall where they extract the computer bug thing or whatever it was from Arnold's nose - oh it was terrible. I saw it once, and had to close my eyes for that part every time afterwards. I just can't handle it.

So if you think of me, pray for me. I'm such a baby when it comes to stuff like this...
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