Aug 15, 2004 22:25
heyyy...sorry i havent updated in a while! Today was soo fun! I HAD A PARTYYYY!! at like 1:00 i went to mary's and then we hung out for like a half hour then we walked to taylor's and we went outside and her daddy kinda spazzed on us so we couldnt go back inside and so then we went back to mary's and jumped on the "tramp", went swimming, took showers! ((good times...oh boy!)) and watched the "Ra Ra RARA" part of secret window, and ate dinner....THEN mary's mom took us to my house at like 6:50 and we had 10 minutes to get ready for the partyyy...we set up the basement then called nicole since she was home from six flags and invited her to the party...she walked over at like 7:00 then a few minutes later the boys showed up...we listend to music for a bit then watched the begging of secret window...oh yeah there was a disco light which was super cool! anywhoooo...then we all went in the hot tub! funnny stufzz...i had to go pee then, but i wasnt allowed inside until i was dry but i just couldnt hold it so i went behind my shed...ahaha it was funny...then we all came back and the girls got changed upstairs while the boys waited downstairs cuz none of them had dry clothes...then we all went back downstairs and danced and ate junkk and me and mary started a grinding was funnnii...i also grinded my t.v.!! YAY! lol then we played truth or dare and some majjorrrr dares were done and some majjoorrr secrets were revealed...must i say more? lol then we went out front around 9:00 and played jail break and hide and go seek! WHOOT! then we went back inside and peoples parents started to come so then everyone left and i cleaned up the basement and then i made myself a glass of lemonade and it was like 10:25ishhh now im here was sooo much funn...tomorrow im suppost to hang out with nicole and then later during the day im suppost to hang out with mary,nicole,and should be funnn..oh yeah! i found this thing on a website and here it is::::
hahahaha..funny stuff! <333 leave some!