I have much to think about

Jun 09, 2008 04:30


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!

That is good to know.

Well, firstly, it is recital time, and therefore time for my yearly strange dreams involving the dance studio. Let's see....the first year in class, I had a dream that my painting teacher told me I couldn't be in the recital because I had homework due. The second year, I had a dream that I kept bumping into everyone with a suitcase. This year, I had a dream that I was at dress rehearsal and they had changed all the routines and I didn't know the dances or have the right costumes. Also I had a dream last night that my back started killing me at the show and I fell and couldn't get up.

So, on to the title of this here post. I do, indeed, have much to think about. There are so many great things going on in my life right now, but there are a few things that are quite broken, and in need of repair. Only, I don't know how to fix them. Why? Because I am not entirely sure what it is exactly that is broken. It is just a feeling right now, I guess. Like there is something or someone that is missing or gone and I have to find it/them or something. Does that make any sense? *shrugs* I need to do my homework and get to sleep.
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