Feb 05, 2008 21:42
So this afternoon I found out I have the beginnings of Osteoporosis in my spine, and have to take a pill. That wasn't so bad. It could be in every bone, not just the spine. In dance class, everything was going well until I fell. Yeah yeah, I fell. I know, I am a huge, giant klutz. We started our second dance in jazz, and the first step is walk, walk, turn, turn, pretty fast. I guess I got confused as to the direction the last time I did it, and tried to turn in 2 directions at once and tangled up my feet. Have you ever had one of those moments where everything feels like it is going in slow motion? That happened. I felt myself start to pitch backwards, and I started screaming in my own head "Turn, turn, don't fall on your tailbone again or you are screwed!" and thankfully managed to twist, and landed instead on my hand. I might have hit my right hip though, which probably would not be a good thing, so I hope I didn't. I crawled to the chair and sat after that. Poor Dave, I think I almost gave him a heart attack. :( Kevin was sitting on the chair right in front of where I fell, and I think I scared him as much as I scared myself. I was, and still am, more shaken up than anything, but I guess I will find out once the shaking stops what kind of damage I did, and whether it was from the fall, or from the adjustment I had today. That's the fun part. I am always sore at night after I have one, so if I am in pain, which is it that did it?
Well, I better go rest. Maybe I will watch some DBZ to take my mind off of things. I need to keep myself distracted.