
Nov 20, 2006 23:40

kyle and i had a nice chat last night like friends, no awkwardness at least not for me im not sure about him. wednesday will still be so hard :'[ as im finding out why hes ending it all

anyway i went shopping tonight with hassan, claire and my mum. i got a gorgeous new skirt and shoes and bag! hopefully ill look lovely and kyle will realise he still loves me hahahha.

tonight was dead fun tho. i actually ate something too even tho it was forced down and i now feel so sick. i had chicken teriyaki and noodles at the sushi bar in selfridges. i love shopping with claire and hassan because the 3 of us together appear so stuck up its hillariious. "your not asian enough to wear prada" "oh hassy that looks precious" hahaha

and were joining the gym next wednesday then having dinner and drinks in manhattan bar! i feel so posh hahahha
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