gosh..first update in ages.

Sep 01, 2006 12:00

hmm not much has gone on to be honest. kyle and i have been completely inseperable and spent every waking second together for about a month and half and last night was our first night apart. i had to come home as i had to clean my house as mum gets back tommroow night. it was horrid. i woke up this morning expecting to see him smiling at me and then we'd have our morning snuggle where we would tangle ourselves around each other and squeeze each other so tightly and exchange "i love you". it's the best thing ever and when i dont get my morning snuggle im moody until i get it haha.

anyway i went to leeds festival which could have been better if i remembered it! i was dead to the world on the saturday and it ruined the bouncing souls for me :[

in other news...college starts soon :[ and kyle goes uni *gutted*. euuurgh not happy.
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