Death, Ikkaku, and Ishida

Jun 28, 2006 11:20

Ikkaku-mun put up something talking about the people in camp who are "real" to him, and Death came up. Said Ikkaku-mun: Actually, [Ikkaku] has been angry with [Death] before--when she made Ishida invincible. But I'll talk about that some other time. Because Ikkaku has more issues than Entertainment Weekly.
Which made me sit down and think about why ( Read more... )

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litl_albatross June 28 2006, 16:52:29 UTC
Yeah. You are so win.

That is all.


peachykeenlife June 28 2006, 17:03:31 UTC
Thank you! <3


litl_albatross June 28 2006, 19:07:09 UTC
You're welcome! But really, thank you because reading this finally got some thoughts straight in my head re: River's thoughts on Ikkaku and his shennanigans. So yay for that.


peachykeenlife June 28 2006, 19:13:25 UTC
Ohhh, now I'm curious. What are they, pray tell?


litl_albatross June 28 2006, 19:25:38 UTC
See, originally, River wanted to help Ikkaku. And by 'help' I mean 'try and assist him in getting back to his old equilibrium'. Except...the more she looked at it, the more she didn't LIKE his old equilibrium. Cause he was, as you pointed out, living like he wants to die. And River very essentially...doesn't get that. She loves Death, and isn't afraid of dying, but she's not really interested in hastening that end. So Ikkaku being wasteful with his relatively normal life upsets her. She's also kinda thinking that if Ikkaku got to actually die, in a way that WASN'T his 'blaze of glory' thing, that he wouldn't think it was so great.

So she doesn't think that what he's doing with Rey and Yumichika and half the rest of camp is good or healthy or very comfortable for anyone involved, but at least in fucking up repeatedly and getting himself embroiled in things, he's, well...embroiled in things. Which is more like living than what he was doing before, even if he sucks at it.


litl_albatross June 28 2006, 19:33:34 UTC
Although I should add that going to Hueco Mundo pisses her off something fierce because it hurts/worries a whole bunch of people, including people who are important to River. Cause, yanno, Ryuuken didn't have enough to worry about, etc.


peachykeenlife June 28 2006, 19:51:47 UTC
Heh. Death is just like, "YOU ARE AN IDIOT" the same way she was about Dream, but she's not going to try to stop Ikkaku because she can't interfere like that. Or won't. Either way.

As to whatever the hell Ikky is doing with Rey and not doing with Yumichika, et cetera, it annoys Death a lot mostly because she sees it as Ikkaku abusing his partnership with Yumichika in a way that he hasn't, before. Because it was one thing when Ikkaku was asking Yumichika to stand by and watch him try to kill himself. That was okay. They'd sort of negotiated that out. But now, to Death, Ikkaku is trampling on Yumichika's feelings (which I think he's aware of? I'm not sure) and writing it off as okay because they're partners and Yumichika's always okay with whatever. She's only yelled at Ikky about this because she doesn't have any control over it, though.

Of course, it's now dimly occuring to ME that maybe Yumichika is okay with getting trampled on (which doesn't seem likely, but still), so Death is probably going to drop the subject.


litl_albatross June 28 2006, 20:04:40 UTC
Haha. An emphatic YES to all of that. River is hoping that Yumichika will just be all 'You overstepped your bounds~ ♥' and totally pwn Ikkaku for being an asshole. I'm pretty sure that he can, or we'd have seen him fight already instead of getting it cut-scened out. Because he needs to do it for himself, and no amount of other people telling Ikkaku that he sucks is going to communicate that quite like Yumichika can.

Giving him a beating on behalf of Ryuuken's new worry-lines probably isn't entirely out of the cards, however. Or she'll be a little Yachiru-like cheering section if Ryuuken does it himself.


peachykeenlife June 28 2006, 19:56:54 UTC
On the Ryuuken front, Death is actually rather concerned, because Ryuuken, under a lock, almost asked her to kill him. He immediately wrote it off as a moment of personal weakness, but when someone that tough is like, OMGKILLME, it's a warning sign. She's a little torn on the issue because she doesn't normally go around actively dissuading people, and Ryuuken's in a world of hurt. So she's keeping an eye on the situation.


litl_albatross June 28 2006, 20:14:26 UTC
YES PLEASE TO BE KEEPING AN EYE ON MY DADDY. River is very, very, very worried about Ryuuken. Very. (And I saw that lock and was deeply wibbly.) I don't know if you've been following things with River and Ryuuken or not, but yeah. Extremely worried. But she's not wise or well enough to attempt to fix it in any way besides being around as much as possible to comfort him and accept him as he is without asking about all his demons. And she's not comfortable with or possibly able to ask other people to help him. Oddly, if he broke down on his own she'd likely be able to handle it, but actually being the catalyst to that would probably crack her.


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