I'm back

Aug 06, 2007 15:08

I'd like to start off this post by saying: I just got my first pay check! I just got my first pay check! *happy dance*
Also, I am back in SF. My two week vacation went by so quickly, but was fun. Almost got the whole house painted, saw the new Harry Potter movie, read the last Harry Potter book, and just spent quality time with the family. There were some injuries though, including my mom getting smacked in the eye while we were working the cows, one of my dogs getting a grass bur stuck in his foot, me getting scratched in the head and knee from my own carelessness around sharp objects of course, and everyone sustained multiple bruises. Oh also played some poker with the family. My mom is so funny, she's all against gambling but gets all into it.
These last coupla weeks seem to be all hectic as college friends are getting ready to go back to school. Gotta cram in all the hanging out time we can get. Also got some sad news - one of my favortist roomies won't be living with us and she might also be taking another one with her. *note to self: got to check out rent and aesthics of their place b/c rooms are available*
That is all.
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