I have some time to kill ;)

Nov 23, 2004 16:06


[Name] Sarah Marie Pearson
[School] Kirkwood
[Sign] Sag
[State] Iowa
[Exact Location] N the computer lab with Leslie at Kirkwood

[Current Date] 11/23/04
[Current Time] 4:07 PM
[Clothes] muh pink tinker bell shirt and mudd jeans.. WOW!
[Weather] COLD AS HELL
[Hair Do] Up n a bun!
[Footwear] Betty bop socks n my pink n white kswiss
[Mood] A lil tired
[Talking To] Leslie
[Sounds]The sounds of frantic college kids trying to type out their papers as fast as they can....

[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y]
[Cups On Desk] NONE
[Pets] none ;(
[Siblings] oh shit.. i have 1 sister, Jennifer... 3 step brothers, Daniel, Elijah, and Dalton. 1 Step sister, Katelynn. And 1 half brother Kyler.
[Crushes] I have so many.. to even list.. their all famous guys.. cause I don’t let myself like real people...that way I never get hurt like before!
[Cousins] oh wow.. like 20
[Aunts] wha? yeah like over 30
[Uncles] 30

[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y] [t][i][m][e][s] [p][e][r] [d][a] [y] [d][o] [y][o][u]

[Change Clothes] Twice.. when i get ready for the day n then at night for bed
[Shower] ONCE A DAY
[Brush Your Teeth] TWICE
[Wash Your Face] I try to do it twice a day.. but im lazy... lol
[Brush Your Hair] Alot im always brushing my hair especially when it was longer...
[Eat] I usually only eat dinner.
[Say the Word "ok"] lol.. prolly alot.. but now as much as i say like.. people always tell me "you say like to much..." im like sorry....
[Yell at Your Siblings] I don’t get to yell anymore at em cause they live n Washington.. n my lil brother here is to young for me to yell at em.
[Slam Doors] lol.. i used to slam my door all the time when i lived n Washington.. here im not home enough.. plus my mom doesn’t make me mad like my step mom n dad did.

[Nicest] Kristen
[Coldest] Vanessa
[Smartest] Leslie
[Tallest] Vanessa
[Shortest] Muh Jenny! ;)
[Most Fashionable] Katie
[Smells Best] Brianna
[Weirdest Conversations] lol.. me n lacey philosophize about life while were zoning the clothes at Wal-mart.. lol
[Deepest Conversations]Melissa.. I told her EVERYTHING about me.. Seriously EVERYTHING.. n she the same to me!
[Stupidest Conversations] Julia n me can get pretty stupid at work or when were drinking...
[Best Liar] Brianna
[Hottest] Brianna
[Most Annoying] Vanessa. lies to damn much.. plus she brags about her life like she has something to brag about.. um.. NO!
[Best] Brianna is My all time BFF.. know her the longest and love her the most..
[Most Organized] haha i don’t hang out with organized people
[Least Organized] god.. we all are.. right?
[Always Late] Andy.. tell him to be there at 1 he'll show up at 4..
[Always Early] ehhhh..
[Always On Time] ehh....

[h][a][b][i][t][s] [(do you)]

[Procrastinate] HELL YEAH
[Stress] YES
[Take out Your Issues On Others] sometimes mostly on my parents cause their the once that cause most of the "issues" im having...
[Flirt Too Much] lol no
[Tend to Judge People] nope
[Any Other Habits?] lol... so many

[for a million bucks ] [(would you)]

[Name Your Kid Dammit] no
[Strip For Your Classmates] maybe for 20 million
[Shave Your head] no
[Wax Off Your Eyebrows] lol no!
[Wax An Old man's Back] WITH MY EYES CLOSED SURE
[Sit In a Cage With 4 Hungry Wolves] SURE
[Eat A Snake] FUCK U NO!
[Make Out With one of Your Best Friends Boyfriend] No friendships mean more to me then money ever will.
[Swim With The Jelly Fish] OH FUN!
[Make Out With Your Teacher] lol.. my 8 th grade student teacher.. YEAH! ;)
[Strip At a School Pep Assembly] lol.. no
[Stand up In Class And Flip Your Teacher The Bird] To MR. Powers yeah!

[a][l][m][o][s][t] [o][v][e][r]
[Why Did You Take This Survey] I AM BORED
[What's The Time Now] 4:26
[What Are You Doing After This] Going over to leslies
[Bye!] Bye bye LOVE!
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